Corrugated Cardboard Scenery by Briant Hamor Lee, Daryl M. Wedwick (Author) Mr. Lee, et al have done a great service for the low-budget theater scenographer. Not only will a scenographer receive excellent tips on designing with cardboard, the technical director may discover a virtual cornicopia of tidbits to facilitate the actual construct of those designs.

Book Description
Mr. Lee, et al have done a great service for the low-budget theater scenographer (and aren’t we all low-budget scenographers?). Not only will a scenographer receive excellent tips on designing with cardboard, the technical director may discover a virtual cornicopia of tidbits to facilitate the actual construct of those designs.
As even Mr. Lee admits, cardboard is not the easiest material to work with in terms of shaping and molding, the relative cost of the material often makes it worth the struggle. In this book, one finds the methodology to make cardboard a viable scene shop material, if not the material of first choice in numerous applications.
This reviewer has only two negative comments regarding the work as a whole: (1) Don’t try to borrow the book, read it, and remember the critical data. Buy the book and keep it on your shelf; there’s simply too much to try to remember. (2) This book alone will NOT make a technical director into a cardboard scenery guru. Many of the suggestions and ideas included in the work will require a fair amount of practice — and the accompanying failures — before on masters the technicniques.