Draw Wire Frame Boxes

At the end of this lesson, the student will be able to… Draw a series of wire frame boxes. Technique will include the use of line weight in order to create the illusion of 3 dimensions. What will this lead to in his/her future? Being able to draw set pieces and...

Diag Bracing

What will this lead to in his/her future? Apply knowledge when we build &/or install raised platforms on stage. Being able to install proper diag. bracing to legs to support raised platforms. What materials/supplies will the teacher need to supply? pre made...

Cut List

AIM: How can we create a cut list for a standard flat. What will this lead to in his/her future? Have the knowledge to create a cut list for various size flats used in tech theater. Such needs will come to play when the student take on the duties of master carpenter...

Lesson Plans

I’ve searched and searched, only to find a small handful of lesson plans relating to technical theater (see the bottom of this page.) Specifically for high school. Please help us all out by submitting your lessons, or ideas for lessons, to our lesson plan pages....

NYC DOE Theater BluePrint Documents

Click on this link to download a zip file of the entire theater blueprint. theater_blueprint    theater_introduction 06/02/2007,10:30 215.64 Kb  theater_making 06/02/2007,10:29 609.70 Kb  developing_theater_literacy 06/02/2007,10:31 247.73 Kb...
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