Vectorworks, Building an Octagon Truss & Editing Truss hinge
I’ve created a video showing how to build an octagon and edit hinged...
Vectorworks is my personal choice for CAD software. Vectorworks is one of...
Making White Models using VectorWorks, part I
A tutorial showing how to create a basic ground plan of a simple set in...
White Model via Paper & Vectorworks.
Now that we’ve printed out all the parts to our model, it’s time to...
Drawing a Theatrical Flat in 3-D using Vectorworks
Instructional video showing a method of drawing a theatrical flat using...
Drafting a flat using VectorWorks
Drafting a 2-D theater flat using Vectorworks. This is just one method,...
Vectorworks Classes, Layers, Viewports, 3D Flat
I show how I use classes and layers to keep things organized within a 3D...