Your portfolio is undoubtedly one of the most important documents that you will ever put together. It is just as important for your portfolio to showcase your creativity as it is to demonstrate your professionalism, because these are the two essential qualities that...
I must say, in undermining one element of the program I’ve pushed so hard to help establish (amongst many other hardworking folks out there) that sound portfolios are, in the long run, very, very, very difficult to evaluate. One thing I do really push for, in...
Notes from a recent discussion on the HSTech Mailing list. Continue farther down the page for more contributions. What i have found in talking to design heads in college is that they are much more interested in pictures taken during set-up/building than the final...
From Entertainment Design “Who am I anyway? Am I my resume?” so goes the lyric from the opening number of A Chorus Line sung by an aspiring triple-threat. For aspiring theatre designers, the answer to the lyric is yes…and no. Design faculty at top colleges can easily...