Isometric sketching: a clevis

This video inspired me to suggest a session for the USITT National Conference. We called it “Analog Sketching for the TD.” It shows the drawing of a cleve, from start to finish, using markers. One of the keys to the artist’s process is turning the paper while s/he...

Light Plots

This set in introductory instructions in creating a light plot is the result of a request for help from one of our mailing list members. Start with a small ground plan of the theater space you are working in. Add the area, person, set you are going to light. Draw an...


Lettering for architecture and technical theater is basically the same. Lettering can be very pretty and stylized or it can be fairly boring. What it must be, all the time, is clear and legible. For tech theater paperwork we always use capitol block letters. This can...
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