
Styrofoam can be cut and shaped into lots and lots of shapes. you can carve it with sharp razor blades, electric carving knives, hot wire cutters, saws of various types and you can also use your fingers. Home Depot sells Styrofoam building insulation is 2×8 sheets. I...


Muslin is a cloth used for numerous things in Tech Theater. It comes in several widths for all sorts of uses. Covering Flats. Covering Platforming. Covering Trees.  Covering Actors, (costumes.) Making props.  Curtains. And much more. Hint for cutting: Muslin tears in...


For info about homasote: DON’T write to our site. We don’t sell, manufacture, supply, etc… this stuff. Homasote is a gray board that is made out of paper. It comes in 4’x8′ sheets and is 1/2″ thick. You’ll...


I’m only going to get into the plywood we use most often. Plywood comes in standard 4’x8′ sheets and is always square. The thickness we use most often are: 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″ and 3/4″ 3/4″ plywood. used most often for...


Recycling is an important part of saving our natural resources. Right now, as I type this, I’m sitting on a plane flying from Los Angeles to New York. I’m going home from a vacation during which I drove through Washington and Oregon. Seeing the baron hills...


Board lumber comes in many different sizes, types and shapes. Most of the lumber we use in set building is taken from fast growing soft wood trees. We must do our best to recycle as much lumber as we can. While wood does grow on (in) trees, we should do our part in...


Seen here: Cable cutters;Part of a shackle; A loop of cable ;A Thimble The thimble is inserted into the loop to prevent kinking the cable. Any kinks in cable can lead to excessive wear and tear, thus allowing the cable to break. This is the business end of a...
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