++ Dada and Surrealist Film, Edited by Rudolf E. Kuenzli; The Mit Press -Cambridge, MA. 1996 ISBN: 0262-61121-X. This collection of 13 original essays analyzes connections between film and two highly influential 20th century movements.
+++ Dada and Surrealist Film, Edited by Rudolf E. Kuenzli; The Mit Press -Cambridge, MA. 1996 ISBN: 0262-61121-X
“This collection of 13 original essays analyzes connections between film and two highly influential 20th century movements. The essays which comment on specific films and deal with theoretical and topical questions, are framed by a documentary section that includes a photographic reproduction of the manuscript scenario for Robert Desnos’ and Man Ray’s L’Etoile de mer, and an introduction by the editor that provides a cogent working model for the difference between Dada and Surrealist perspectives.” (254pp)
+++ Das Moderne Buhnenbild, by Oskar Fischel; Verlagernst Wasmuth A.-G – Berlin 1923 This is a review of theatrical and opera design in Germany during the period. It includes designs by Appia and the the Wagnerian era operas. It is written in German but its pictures are worth a look at. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater After Modernism, by Elinor Fuchs; Indiana University Press – Bloomington IN. 1995 ISBN: 0-253-21008-9
“In this engrossing study, Elinor Fuchs explores the multiple worlds of theater after modernism. Nine of her Village Voice and American Theater essays conclude this volume.” (240pp)
+++ Designing in Style: 50 Great Hotel Restaurants of the World, by Madelin Wexler; PBC International – Glen Cove N.Y. 1996 ISBN:0-86636-432-3 “For gourmets and world travelers, Dining in Style features the creative chefs, international cuisine, and comfortable, intimate rooms of the world’s great hotel restaurants. For designers, this is an excellent visual reference. Michelin Guide, Mobil Guide and Zaget have selected these restaurants for their atmosphere, fine food and service.
*** Discover the French Connection Between St. Louis and New Orleans, by Rita K. Coulter; Interhouse Publishing – Elmhurst, Il. 1977 Library of Congress #77-86284This Book has some useful cottage interior and exterior pictures, of both residential and institutional – rural and French Provincial architecture and furniture. This book has fair period and museum quality pictures of what might be found, but there are not many so supplemental books and research will be needed for this book to prove useful in more than background. Resale Shop & Boarders
**** Discovering Timber-Framed Buildings, by Richard Harris; Shire Publications LTD. Harverfordwest, U.K. 1979 ISBN: 0-85263-481-1 This book makes a good companion to Vernacular Architecture, in that it not only shows what was used but how each piece was cut and assembled to make the buildings studied – Post and Beam type. It goes into even more yet detail about minute differences in design and style of building houses thru the years and with its large selection of pictures and drawings, this book makes it easy for any designer to know what to emphasize and simulate to bring such buildings out in their design.
Boarders & English Book Stores
**** The Dramatic Imagination, by Robert Edmond Jones; Theatre Arts Books – N.Y 1989 (1941) ISBN: 0-87830-592-0 This is a okay book by a legendary designer. It needs to be read by any designer, but probably will not add much to their abilities. Act I & Boarders
++++ Drawings for the Theatre’, by Robert Edmund Jones; Theatre Arts Books – NY 1925.
This is a better book than his later Dramatic Imagination it also shows period design when he admired and followed the great designers of the period and at the time was hungry and enterprising and adventurous. It also shows a lot of design in the period. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
**** Early American Community Structures, Ed. by Lisa C. Mullins; Main Street Press – Pittstown N.J. 1987 ISBN: 0-918678-29-3. This volume of The Architectural Treasures of Early
America Series like the Colonial book above is very useful for its first hand photos, and selection of examples of early American Civic Buildings, has a good amount of interior and exterior specification drawings and photos. Many can also be used for residential interior ideas. It would seem the entire ten book series would be very useful in design research. Boarders
***** Edward Grodon Craig, by Dennis Bablet; Theatre Arts Books – NY 1966 This is an excellent book on Craig, his history and design principles. Craig had far-reaching ideas on ideal scenic and lighting design which has implications even today on the search for the perfect design, even if he may have taken some of his ideas to the extreme. This should be required reading for all designers. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
***** Edward Gordon Craig – Designing for the Theatre, by Janet Leeper; Penguin Books – Great Britian 1948 This is another really good book on the Craig History and design theory. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ The Emergence of the Irish Peasant Play at the Abbey Theatre, Brenna Katz Clarke
+++ Empire, by Madeline Deschamps; Abbeville Press – N.Y. 1994 ISBN: 1-55859-032-3
“This illustrated text is the first general survey of the Empire style. Interiors, decorative arts, architecture, gardens, painting, sculpture, music, literature, and lifestyle are covered. (248pp)
*** The Enjoyment of Theatre, 2nd Ed. by Kenneth M. Cameron & Patti P. Gillespie; MacMillan Pub. Co. – NY. 1989 This is a basics book introducing the novice to the theater, but has a fair amount of material on classic theatre and how it was done. Re-Sale Shop
**** The Evolution of Colonial Architecture, Ed. by Lisa C. Mullins; Main Street Press – Pittstown N.J. 1987 ISBN: 0-918678-28-5 This is a book on the architecture in and around the first 13 states. It has many original photos, detail drawings of important features and doorways, and a fair amount of interior photos. For the most part, this book just has exteriors in the colonial style, but it also has a fair amount of furniture, and civic architecture. Boarders
**** The Evolution of Weapons and Warfare, Trevor N. Dupuy; DaCapo Press, Inc. 1984
*** The Faber Book of Favorite Fairy Tales, Ed. by Sara and Stephen Corrin; Faber and Faber – Boston, Along with the Grimm books this book has many more stories and illustrations much useful in set design. Re-Sale Shop & I.S.U. Library
*** Fairy Tales, by the Brothers Grimm; Illustrated by Allen Atkinson; Pub.by Julian Messner – N.Y.
Another fairly good book to gain fantasy play design ideas from. Re-Sale Shop & I.S.U. Library
**** Fairy Tales, Retold by Katharine Gibson; Whitman Publishing Co. – Racine, WI 1950
This really old classic Fairy Tale book like just about any other children’s book from Cat in the Hat, to The Wizzard of Oz, has much in its artwork to demonstrate how to “keep it simple stupid.” Books of this period had no good cheap means of reproducing elaborate drawings and paintings, or in the case of Dr. Sues, had a simplified design style which cannot be completely brought out in real life on stage, is a good goal to keep in mind and hope to attain to short of puppet thatere another art form in itself. The stories are also tremendously useful in helping to decorate the stage with the larger than life story book descriptions. If old original children’s books are not available, at least the modern ones with their painting like pictures and drawings will help a lot with fantasy settings for plays such as “Hansel and Gretel.” This book in particular has a lot of stories and is a good find Resale Shop.
+++ Field Artillery & Firepower, Johnathan B. Bailey; Combined Arms Library Ser. Vol. 1, Taylor & Francis Inc. 1989 ISBN #0-85066-810-7
+++ Field Artillery: Regular Army & Army Reserve, Janice E. McKenny Editor; United States Government Printing Office, 1985, ISBN #0-16-001941-9 Serial Number 008-029-00136-5
+++ Field Artillery Weapons of the Civil War, 2nd ed. James C. Hazlett, U. Of Delaware Press, 1989 Library of Congress #87-40707, ISBN #0-87413-346-7
****A Field Guide to American Houses, by Virginia & Lee McAlester; Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. N.Y. 1984 ISBN: 0-394-73969-8 This is a very useful and capable book on the categorizing and classing of each era and style of home across the USA. It notes each major design feature, and many of the decorative details and differences in construction between the styles from “wig-wam” to tract house. The details in this book however are not enough however to help the stage designer do more than find a style of house which best fits the play, after that, the designer is on his own to find more info on a specific design or layout. Another thing of use in this book is its large amount of pictures covering each style which can be tremendously useful for a design, but only from the outside elevation standpoint. Boarders
+++ Film Architecture, Ed. by Dietrich Neumann (220pp). Stage Step – Distribution #FM294 “Set Designs from “Metropolis” to “Blade Runner”. An exhilarating exploration of the architectural elements in films, including an appraisal of the original set designs used by filmmakers across Europe and the United States. Stage Step – Guide to Preforming Arts
**** Firearms and Fortifications: Military Architecture & Siege Warfare in Sixteenth Century Siena, Simon Pepper; University of Chicago Press, 1986, Library of Congress #85-24673 ISBN #0-226-65534-2
++++ From Page to Stage, by Rosemary Ingham (171 pp); Stage Step – Dist. #TE701
“Explores the relationship among text analysis, imagination and creation. Offers practical advice for reading and understanding playscripts, and a clear detailed method for identifying, collecting and organizing script facts. Addresses the who, what, where, how and (maybe) why of text analysis; moving from dramatic text to theatrical event; what happens when the designer’s imagination meets the script; and much more. Includes photo/interview essays, in which the designers talk about how their interpretations affect an audience, individual or society on an intellectual, emotional spiritual and political level. Stage Step – Guide to Preforming Arts
+++ Fun With Stagecraft, by Andrew McCallum; Enslow Pub. – Hillside NJ. 1982 This book is rather low on the importance level as it is written for the grade school level production, however some of the information (particularly in the history section) is quite useful to advanced designers and research. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
**** Gazebos, by Jane t A. and Richard H. Sterling Pub. Co., Inc. – N.Y. 1983 SBN: 0-912355-00-X This sketch book on gazebo and other garden structure or furniture book, is nothing but sketches. It relies on the reader to determine the style and setting of each piece, and relies on the designer to either send to the publisher for design specifications or to design them themselves. All of this is okay because the hardest part in designing a gazebo or any other structure, given some general guidelines on shape and size, are in the general design which this book provides many drawings to. Boarders & Hardware Stores
*** Gold and Silver in the West, The Illustrated History of an American Dream, by T.H.Watkins; American West Pub. Co. Palo Alto, Ca. 1971
+++ Gothic Revival, by James Massey and Shirley Maxwell; Abbeville Press – N.Y. 1994 ISBN: 1-55859-823-5
“A pocket size guide to this romantic style that spread throughout Europe and America in the 19th century. From gingerbread houses to the houses of Parliament, the details and landmarks of the style are covered. (96pp)
+++ The Great Art of Artillery, Casmir Simienowicz; Reproduction – Charles River Books. 1976. ISBN #0-85409-633-9
*** The Grimms’ German Folk Tales, Translated by Francis P. Magoun, Jr. and Alexander H. Krappe
Southern Illinois University Press – Carbondale, Il. This is a good idea book on both set design for fantasy type plays like “Hansel and Grettsle” and even with the drawings to other plays around Europe in the past. Re-Sale Shop & I.S.U. Library
***** The Gunner: Shewing the Whole Practice of Artilleries, Robert Norton; Reprint of 1628 ed. 1973, Walter J. Johnson Inc. Library of Congress #73-6155, ISBN #90-221-0317-9
+++ The Guns of Gettysburg, 1958 Reprint. Fairfax Downey, Older Soldier Books Inc. ISBN #0-942211-17-0
***** Gustav Stickley Craftsman Homes, by Gustav Stickley; Dover N.Y. 1979 ISBN: 0-486-23791-5 This is a 1909 Craftsman Homes, re-production on his designs and homes. This book has perspective drawings, floor plans, and interior decoration drawings for each house featured. There are a lot of houses in this book and from them many sketches on how interiors of houses might look which are easily translated to stage. In addition to the above designer benefits, this book also has a large section on landscaping, interior design, and arts and crafts furniture with histories behind this style, and details of each type. With all the items in the book, this book is essential for turn of the century design. Boarders
*** A History of Artillery, H.C. Rogers; Citadel Press/Carol Publishing Group, 1977. ISBN #0-865-0597-4
+++ History of Theatre, 7th ed. by Oscar C. Brockett; Allyn & Bacon – DesMoines 1995 “A Thorough revision of this comprehensive and widely used survey of theatre history. The text has been reorganized to highlight European and American theatre, as well as theatre of Asia. It includes a new chapter on the theatre of Africa.” (736pp)
** The Handbook of British Architectural Styles, by David N. Durant; Barrie & Jenkins – London 1992 ISBN: 0-126-4862-3 This book is of little use to any designer, it is more an idea book of where to go and what to visit to see examples of all of these forms of architecture. It has a paragraph or two about each design style, a drawing, than another paragraph about typical features of this design, than a list of where to see such features which about equals the size of the above informational parts in size. In other words, this book is a very condensed book on architecture and tour book combined. The only real use for this book is as a architecture over view for periods of design, and a starting point to reasearch the specifics of architecture. Once the style has a specific place known which uses it, it is easier to track down that place with the architectural feature in it to find out more about it. Boarders & English Book Stores
***** Homes & Interiors of the 1920s, Originally Published as Building with assurance 2nd Ed. by Morgan; Lee Valley Tools LTD. – Ottawa, Ontario 1987 ISBN: 0-9213335-06-7 This is a book on post WWI housing and interior design with many floor plans and interior design sketches for each dream house, than a Morgan door, window and molding catalog at the end with specs for each part available. Each room in the house has many layouts, and each design has specifications and designs below to make it easy for a designer to easily figure out the molding, trim, cabinets and other treatments to the walls and rooms covered. Each room also is drawn with period furnishings making it easy to make the jump between design intent of each room and the stage. There is even a stained glass catalog at the end in addition to a full Morgan Catalog. Boarders
***** Illustrated Catalogue of Capitals and Brackets, Catalog 127, The Decorators Supply Corp 1989 (312)847-6300 Like the Ornament book, this book is of composition wood construction parts. It however has only capitals to posts, and similar brackets to beams or mantels or shelves in it. The designs in this book are not found anywhere else, and like the above, are completely scaled and reproducible for special order or design ideas. Decorators Supply
***** Illustrated Catalogue of Plaster Ornaments, Catalog 130; The Decorators Supply Corp. 1989 (312)847-6300 This catalog is a continuance of the Ornament book above. It has plaster ornaments such as grill covers, ceiling and crown decorations and many other hard to find plaster decoctions not found anywhere else. Decorators Supply
+++ Illustrated Encyclopedia of Artillery, Ian Hogg; Book Sales Inc. 1989, ISBN #1-55521-310-3
**** Ireland of the Proverb, by Liam Mac Con Iomarie; Roberts Rinehart – Boulder, C.O. 1995 ISBN: 1-57098-057-8 This is a sort of Humanities look at rural and classic Ireland based around some very inspiring photos and poetry. The descriptions and histories around some of the photos help to get a better idea of each picture’s significance, and color in the black and white some. The photos are excellent and would help a lot in the design of any Irish play. Boarders
+++ The Irish Drama of Europe from Yeates to Beckett, Katharine Worth.
+++ The Irish Drama Movement, Wna Ellis – Fermor
+++ The Irish Theatre, Simon Fitz
+++ Irish Writers & Irish Theatre, edited by Masaru Sekine
+++ Jocelyn Herbert: A Theater Workbook, Ed.by Cathy Courtney (256pp); Stage Step – Dist. #TE702 “Jocelyn Herbert is credited with changing the course of British stage design. Her unrivaled combination of visual and textual sensitivity set trends and standards. This beautifully edited and “Staged” book is four achievements in one: a record of a life’s work presented brilliantly; a theater workbook of practical value to every theatre design course in the country; an example to be followed of personal integrity, Professionalism and respect for the text; a model in publishing of how to link the written word and visual image creatively on the page. Stage Step – Guide to Preforming Arts
+++ Lifestyle Stores, by Martin Pegler; PBC International – Glen Cove N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 0-86636-486-2 “A revolutionary approach to retail store design around the globe, showing how designers, architects, and store owners have created ambiences that encourage customer interaction, enhance comfort, and entice product purchases.” (176pp)
*** Lost Chicago, by David Lowe; Houghton Mifflin Company – Boston 1978 ISBN: 0-395-26468-5 This book is not only of interest in what architecture as been torn down, but seemingly is a photo book of old photos but almost all of them seemingly are the best, most useful and most dramatic available to describe anything from prairie houses to buildings lost in the fire, and the rubble left behind. It has a lot of Gothic style, and many interiors. The design styles fit anywhere, and many photos could be easily translated to the stage of many plays in many periods. Boarders
**** Macbeth Onstage Michale Mullin. London, U. of Missouri Press 1976 Design/production book for the play – Used Book Store/ ISU Library
**** The Making of Fireworks, (London 1628) Robert Norton, DaCapo Press Reprint N.Y. 1973 A book on artillery and siege craft of the period. Used Book Store/ISU Library
+++ The Manual for Light Artillery: 1863, Jacques N. Jacobsen ed.; Pioneer Press Rep. 1989 ISBN #0-913150-90-8
*** Man In Metropolis, by Louis B. Schriuek; Doubleday & Co. Inc. Garden City N.Y. 1965
This is a more realistic portrayal of life in the urban part of the city. It has old photos and a lot of background info but not a huge amount of inspiration.
*** Manhattan Observed, Museum of Modern Art; Graphic Society Ltd. – N.Y. 1968 This is another New York Art Idea Book with stylized sketches Pre-Turn of the Century to the sixties. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
***** Mantels, Cat. 131 Decorators Supply Corp; – Chicago Il. 1989 (312)847-6300
Like the above catalog, this book is on very decorative wood mantels with composition decorations. Also like above, this short book is filled with many scaled highly decorated pictures of mantels which are original and rare. Decorators Supply Corp.
++++ Materials of the Scene, Welby B. Wolfe; Harper & Row Pub. – NY. 1977 This is a pretty good history book on how the show was done in the past, and what materials were used to make them up.” Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ Max Reinhardt Regieuch zu Macbeth, by Herausgegeben von Manfred; Basilious Presse Basel – Switzerland 1966 This book is written in the wrong language, but has incredible drawings on the history of the play under Reinhardt who is famous for his production of Macbeth. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ Mixing Messages: Graphic Design in Contemporary American Culture, by Ellen Lupton; Princeton Architectural Press – N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 1-56898-098-1 “Looks at innovations in graphic design in the United States in the last two decades. Provides an overview, as well as a critical analysis, of recent work.” (176pp)
** Moonlight at the Globe, by Ronald Watkins; Michael Joseph LTD. – London1947
This book is about the production of a Shakespeare play at a grade school. It is a study in how the producers in this play thought it might have been done similar to how they did it. This book however is not very accurate when it comes to the facts of the times or the realities of professional renaissance people verses students and teachers. It is however a somewhat interesting study in a very non-professional production.
**** The National Trust Book of the English House, by Clive Aslet; Viking / Penguin Books
Middlesex, England 1985 ISBN: 0-670-80175-5 This book is about the English style of architecture thru the ages. Not just the castle and manor, but hovels, row houses, and all manor of estates. It describes in each period of history, and territory of Britain, how the house was arranged and constructed, than decorated and lasted with clear examples from each. Boarders & Resale Shop
+++ Naval Firepower, Graham Smith; W.H. Smith Publishers, Inc. ISBN #0-8317-6311-6
++++ The New Movement in the Theatre, Leon Moussenac; Benjamin Blome, inc. -NY. 1967 (1932)
This re-print goes into design history of the 1920s, its designers and techniques of the period, why change was needed, and what the changes were to become during this period. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
*** Newport Mansions – The Gilded Age, Photography by Richard Cheek; Formost Publishers Inc.
Little Compton, R.I. 1982 ISBN: 0-940078-01-5 This is a book on the art of the big eastern mansions from the last century. Most of the cornices and other decorations in this book are covered in gold leaf, and as ornate as could be. It does not go into much detail on individual concepts or theories, nor floor plans, this is just a walking tour picture book of some of the rooms in these houses. In all this book unless such a picture fits a design concept, it is not very useful. The photos are however of mint condition top quality workmanship in the most expensive of places. Boarders
** Nymphenburg, revised by Gerhard Hojer; Bayerische Verwaltung – Munchen, Germany 1995
This book like just about any other tour book is useful to give light to the various pieces and and rooms visited when visiting historic homes and museums on tour. The sections within the book are simple, short and easy to read while walking thru a room, but not much use without actually being there, no matter if it is the Vanderbuilt house, or this Whit Palace in Germany. The details in the book and photos can never replace the first hand info gotten from the tour, they only add to it. This said, this book is only of limited value if bought outside the building in question, and while still useful to help the designer remember what has been seen after actually being there, this book’s value goes down as time goes by. The White Palace Museum & Resale Shop
***** Old House Measured and Scaled Detail Drawings for Builders and Carpenters, William A. Radford; Dover – N.Y. 1983 ISBN: 0-486-24438-5 This re-print of a 1911 book Radford’s Portfolio of Detail of Building Construction is a scrambled but useful compilation of detail drawings on the individual parts of various buildings common in America from the turn of the century. The drawings are a collage of confusing details which limits the book in clarity, but with some time, each drawing has what is needs in it to help the designer know what to design on stage for a cut-away set, or to help in the construction drawings, on how to build more complex parts of the set. Boarders
++++ Orientamenti Della Scenografia, 2nd Ed. 1961 Gorlich Editore – Milano, Italy
This is an incredible book on Daux ex Machina from Renaissance and before Scenic design and technology. Its language is Italian, but its pictures and drawings are incredible and first rate. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
**** Ornamental Ironwork, Susan & Michael Southworth; David R. Godine – Boston 1978
This picture book is all about the shapes and structures made by iron scroll work. It has an incredible amount of shapes and pictures of places iron sculptures have been used. This book for the designer has incredible use for both historical data, and inspiration on what can be used to give impression. This book is readily translatable to custom patterns, and with its ideas, leads to easy to build set decoration. Boarders, Re-Sale, & I.S.U. Library
***** Ornaments for Woodwork-Furniture, cat. 124; Decorators Supply Corp. – Chicago, Il. 1989
(312)847-6300 This catalog is full of wood composition decorations, molding, shells etc. The decorations in this book, will enhance any design any period or style of set or furniture. The pieces are quite complex, scaled, and photographic in quality. The actual mail order product from this company is more expensive than many comparable companies, but selection and detail is much better. Decorators Supply Corp
***** Piranesi, by Nicholas Penny; Bloomsbury Books – London 1978 ISBN: 1-870630-50-5 This book on Baroque artwork is amazing. Like most two dimensional drawings of the period, and Baroque Artists, it is dark gloomy and perfect for the right play and stage setting. Even if the art and design styles in this book are not right to be completely taken from the drawing and put on stage, such as for a ballet with cut drops, the ideas in this book have a lot of fuel for generating elaborate cut away drops and scenery, and given most of the artwork in this period is two dimensional, it easily converts to wing and drop design. Boarders
+++ Pleasure Paradises: International Clubs & Resorts, by John P. Radulski and William Weathersby Jr.; PBC International – Glen Cove NY. 1996 ISBN: 0-86636-496-X “An award-winning collection of the best golf clubs, island resorts, wilderness retreats, cruise ships, and revitalizing spas from all corners of the globe.” (184pp)
++++ Prefaces to Shakespeare, by Harley Granville Barker; Heinemann Portsmouth 1994 ISBN: 0-435-08657-X “Granville Barker wrote his prefaces as practical guides to the problems and challenges of staging Shakespeare. The 12 volumes are: Anthony and Cleopatra, Macbeth, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, King Lear, Othelo, Romeo and Juliet, and others.” (352pp)
+++ A Reader’s Guide to the Plays of W.B. Yeats, Richard Taylor.
+++ Rethinking Architecture, Edited by Neil Leach; Routledge Press – N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 0-415-12826-9
“Issues around the built environment are increasingly central to the study of the social sciences and humanities. The structures with which we adorn our centers of cultural and economic activities each make a statement for and about its location, designer, time period and end-user. Brought together for the first time, this collection of core writings on architecture by many of the key philosophers and cultural theorists of the 20th Century offers a refreshing take on the statement of architecture – what we mean by what we build.” (416pp)
**** Roberts’ Illustrated Millwork Catalog, by E.L. Roberts & Co.; Dover – N.Y. 1988 ISBN: 0-486-25697-9 This book like almost all Dover re-printed catalogs and books from the past is a look back into history as to what was available to the architect and home owner to decorate and furnish his structure. Much of what is in this book is both not available today and not easy to re-produce in the standard means. The moldings as they are the primary focus of this book should be considered rare to be still in existence, but when used with tact will make the difference between a true Victorian mansion and a Mission/Arts & Crafts middle class house of the same period. The detail drawings and pictures in this book much like the ones found in the Morgan book, are easily used for ideas and take offs for use in stage design, and most of the drawings found in this book are original enough that this book is well worth looking at. It also has a good deal of plates showing interior and exterior design as to how each part is supposed to go together and look. All drawings in this book are to scale and easily converted to drafting paper. Boarders & Restoration Hardware
+++ Robert Wilson, by Franco Bertoni; Princeton Architectural Press – N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 1-56898-091-4 “A monograph on the set designs and installations of director Robert Wilson. Includes an interview with Wilson, in-depth descriptions of selected projects, preparatory sketches and models, and an illustrated list of Wilson’s major works.” (240pp)
++++ Romantic Stages: Set and Costume Design in Victorian England, by Alicia Finkel; McFarland & Co., Jefferson NC. 1996 ISBN: 0-7864-0234-2 TCI Review by Martha Schmoyer LoMonaco – “Alicia Finkel’s Romantic Stages, subtitled Set and Costume Design in Victorian England, is a serious history book. It is not suitable for casual or quick reference and, although well illustrated, all the drawings, engravings, and photographs are black and white, not separately indexed, and are integrated into the text so you really need to read the story. But what a fascinating and carefully wrought story it is. Finkel, who is a practicing designer, has written Romantic Stages to pay homage to the pioneers of her profession and the splendid scenography they created for Victorian actor-managers. In a slim yet information packed volume, she simultaneously traces the development of scenic and costume design and designers from the late 18th through the early 20th centuries; provides detailed descriptions, many supplemented by illustrations of landmark designs; investigates the beginnings of artistic collaboration toward a unified mise-en-scene; and clearly proves her thesis that Romanticism and its adherents were a pervasive influence on theatrical production into the first decades of the 20th century.
Finkel’s intelligent narrative is all the more enjoyable because she writes from the perspective of theatre artists working collectively, rather than viewing design and designers in a vacuum, as is the wont of too many historians. Her chapters focus on production teams (Madame Vestris, J.R. Planche, and William Beverly for instance) or, in the case of actor managers who worked with many designers (Charles Kean or Henry Irving,) on their innovative approach to design. We learn of Kean’s 1885 revival of Shakespeare’s Henry VIII, Irving’s 1886 production of Faust, which ran for two years, and the fairly extravaganzas created by the Vestris/Planche/Beverley triumvirate through Finkel’s careful presentation of the mise-en-scene as well as the overall production concept. Finkel affords long descriptive passages to the set and costume designs, but it is their contribution to the production as a whole that is emphasized. The reader is left with a sense of the theatre event, rather than design as an isolated artistic exercise…” and can parallel events past to modern with primary differences only in technology and convention. (207pp)
+++ Sam Norkin: Drawings, Stories, by Sam Norkin; Heinemann – Portsmouth 1994 ISBN: 0-435-08642-1 For over 50 years, Sam Norkin has been where theatre is happening and capturing it on paper with the keen eye of a caricaturist and the hand of an artist. This is the first time over 250 of his drawings, along with his reminiscences, are brought together.” (341pp)
++++ Scene Designers Since Adophe Appia, by Edmund Swill Stadler; Theaterkultur Verlag – Zurich 1954 This is a book about European designers during the change from turn of the century to the 1950s and their designs. (I don’t remember what language it is in.) Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
****** Scene, by Edward Gordon Craig; Benjamin Blom, Inc. – NY. 1968 (1923)
This re-print of a 1923 magazine published by Craig is the source of his awesome designs in drawings and sketches and inspiring editorials on the subject. No study of Craig can be complete without seeing his drawings. Even today his art could hang on walls. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
**** Sears, Roebuck Catalog of Houses, 1926, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia & Dover Pub. Inc. N.Y. This is a Dover book I would swear I used to own, but have seemingly misplaced. It is like the Morgan house book has the original sales drawings and sketches for mail order craftsman house designs. As such the simple floor plans are easily adaptable to the stage for good realistic and working floorplans. In addition to this, like with the Morgan Book, it is amazing how many houses in this area came out of one of these books. This book also gives original design details of the moldings, finishes, and exterior coverings available for these houses which would also be of use. Boarders & Chicago Architecture Foundation.
+++ Selected Plays of Padraic Colum, The Contemporary Drama of Ireland, Ernest A Boyd
+++ Settings & Costumes of the Modern Stage, Theodore & Simoson Komisarjevsky; The Studio Publications Inc. – NY. 1933 This is another book on the beginning of design in the modern period. It covers working ideas on the forming of design used today and details a lot about how it was built. This book also has some awsome pictures especially of Neiher and Craig. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
***** The Seven Lamps of Architecture, by John Ruskin; Dover – N.Y. 1989 ISBN: 0-486-26145-X
This is a book on gothic architecture and design itself. This book is much like The Dramatic Imagination, by Jones or any of the writings by Craig who’ s views on scenic design are also a must read. This book given its language and primary concerns being Gothic Architecture, is a little hard to follow, yet it is still an inspiring read especially where mood is the focus of study. Boarders
+++ Siege Artillery in the Campaigns Against Richmond with Notes on the 15-Inch Gun, Henry L. Abbot; Reprint of 1868 ed. Thomas Publications 1986, ISBN #0-939631-04-01
+++ Signs of Performance, by Colin Counsell; Routedge Press – N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 0-415-10643-5 “Signs of Performance provides the beginning student with working examples of theatrical analysis. It covers the whole of 20th Century theatre, from Stanislovsky to Brecht and Samuel Beckett to Robert Wilson. Counsell takes a historical look at theatre as a cultural practice, clearly tracing connections between key practitioners’ own ideas about performance, the theatrical practices prompted by those ideas, the resulting signs which emerge in performance, and the meanings and political cnsequences of those signs.” (232pp)
***The Sketchbooks of Reginald Marsh, by Edward Lang; New York Graphic Society Ltd.
Greenwich Ct. 1973 This is a fairly good sketch book of the turn of the century to 1930s New York. There are a lot of exterior shots with stylized drawings prime for set design interpretation. Re-Sale Shop & I.S.U. Library
+++ Source Book of American Architecture, by G.E. Kidder Smith; Princeton Architectural Press N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 1-56898-024-8 “An encyclopedic survey of, and guide to the 500 most notable buildings in the United States. Serves as a reference, as well as a guidebook for the tourist (visiting information is included.) Over 500 photos by G.E. Kidder are included.” (680pp)
**** Stage Design Throught The World Since 1935, Rene Hainaux; Theatre Arts Books – NY 1957
This is a much better design history book than the modern American Set Design Books, as it gives a lot of designers impressions on the same plays, and gives inspiring pictures and drawings to back them up during this period when modern design was emerging. It also is valuable in giving original design intent from the important original plays of the period. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
**** Stage Design Throught The World Since 1950, Rene Hainaux; Theatre Arts Books – NY 1964
This is the second part to the design history. It gives information on the ten year period post World War II When modern drama and design were emerging. It features people like Neiher during his prime and many other amazing designers. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ The Stage Irishman, G.C. Duggan
****** The Stage is Set, by Lee Simonson; Harcourt, Brace and Co. – N.Y. 1932
This book was written well before its time and is now hard to find but a really good read on the history of scenic design from the start thru Gordon Craig. It is a large not too easy read but is also very thorough and complete on all styles of design. Resale Shop
+++ Stage Management and Theatrecraft, by Hendrik Baker; J. Garnet Miller Ltd. – London 1968
This book is less on modern stage management and more a good history on the history of production and design style through the ages.” Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
++++ Stages of the World, Robert M. MacGregor; Theatre Arts Books – NY. 1941
This is another history book presenting ideas and concepts and history of design and theatre architecture throughout history. Re-Sale Shop & ISU Library
+++ Synge & Anglo-Irish Drama, Alan Price
****** Towards a New Theatre, by Edward Gordon Craig; Benjamin Blom, inc. – NY. 1969 This book is more than ready for a re-print if there is not one already of its original 1920s text. It is much better and more useful than any other design book on the subject of the elements of design with possible exceptions of some of the more modern books by Parker. It far out shadows the Jones and Appia books in usefulness both because his ideas are better, and he speaks English. This text should be required reading for all designers. Re-Sale & ISU Library
**** The Treasure House of Early American Rooms, by John A.H. Sweeney; WW Norton & Co.
N.Y. 1963 ISBN: 0-393-30039-0 This is a photo book of the different periods of interior design in America from Rural to Empire with a lot of rooms shown and period furniture shown both in place in the room and in detail close up when it fits a style. Resale Shop
**** Twentieth Century Decoration, Stephen Callway; Rizzoli – N.Y. 1988
Every Rizzoli book I have seen to date, is a really good book. This said, this book is a nice book for design ideas, interior decoration, and many other things – amongst them in my opinion of some designs – how to purposely have the best quality bad – taste in design. Rizzoli bookstores & I.S.U. Library
+++ Twentieth Century Performance Reader, Ed. by Mike Huxley and Noel Witts; Routedge Press N.Y. 1996 ISBN: 0-415-11628-7 “The Twentieth Century Performance Reader makes it possible, for the first time, to compare major writings on all types of performance – dance, music, opera, live art – in one volume. This exciting selection of 40 seminal texts written by over 30 practitioners from around the world is pioneering in the way it encourages performance to be considered across and between disciplines, rather than presenting it as a historical survey.” (328pp)
****Vernacular Architecture of the Lake Counties, by R.W. Brunskill; Faber and Faber – London 1978 ISBN: 0-571-09459-7 For the most part, this is a book on farm or rural architecture in England. It goes into great detail about the materials and means of building local structures thru the ages and is very useful from a design standpoint in both understanding less glamorous and covered architecture in other books and in bringing out a real feel of locality as can be adapted on stage. While the subject of this book is more local, it is easily adapted towards other places and countries in general which is very useful. Boarders & Shipley – Mail Order,
**** A Victorian Housebuilders Guide, by George E Woodward & Edward G. Thompson; Dover N.Y. 1988 IBN: 0-486-25704-5 This 1869 collage of specifications sheets, general and detail blueprints, and elevations and floor plans for a few houses and public structures is astounding but more of a collage of various parts than complete set of blueprints and specs for each. The spec sheets for the carpenters, plumbers and other tradesmen are very useful to understand how things were constructed but not for much else on stage. The home plans are nice to base a design off of but limited in quantity. The Architectural Elevations are very useful as they are to scale and highly detailed and easily used for stage drawings. The selected detail drawings for each is of interest such as scale drawings of mantles and mansard roof cut always but none of the above is enough to gain a good idea of the embellishments each house featured. For this reason other books will be needed to supplement this book. Boarders
***** Victorian Wooden Molding and Frame Designs, H.Morell; Dover – N.Y. 1991 ISBN: 0-486-26932-9 This reprint of the 1910 Morell Catalog is much like tat of the Ornament catalog above, but specializes in molding design from the Victorian era. All pieces are line quality and have a cross sectional view to copy for reproduction and scale. Boarders
**** Weapons and Equipment of the Marlborough Wars Anthony Kemp, Bedford Press, England 1980. A very excellent book on the costume, and equipment, not to mention reasons for and tactics for the wars of that period. Used Book Store / ISU Library?/Elmhurst College Library
*** The Western Art of James Bama, Introduction by Ian Ballantine, Bantam Book N.Y.
**** Wood Fibre Carvings, Catalog 129; Decorators Supply Corporation – Chicago, Il. 1989
(312) 847-6300 This catalog much like the ornaments book is on decorations for furniture and woodwork. The difference in this short book is that its ornaments are either wood carved or composition and not as many are available, but the parts are real. Decorators Supply Corp.
*** The Wooden Architecture of Russia, by Alexander Opolovnikov; Harry N. Abrams, Inc. NY 989 ISBN: 0-8109-1771-8 This is a picture book on rural Russian Architecture and as such shows a lot of very distressed wooden buildings and classic roof tops. It does not have much of the glitz of Moscow or most of the other major cities the pictures are much more local which can be useful, but most buildings are not in their prime which is limiting in the use of this book. Boarders
+++ A Guide to English Furniture Decoration Woodwork & AlliedArts During the Last Half of the 17th Century, the While of the 18th Century and the Earlier Part of the 19th Century, by Arthur Strange; McCorqdodgle & Company, London
+++ International Design Yearbook, Edited by Ron Arad; Abbeville Press – N.Y. 1994 ISBN: 1-55859-831-6 “A guide to contemporary design, this illustrated book presents the best and the brightest examples in furniture, lighting, tableware, textiles, and products from across the world.” (240pp)
***Isaac E. Scott Reform Furniture in Chicago, by David A. Hanks; Chicago School of Architecture Foundation – Chicago 1974 This tour book on the Glessner House in Chicago, is a typical tour guide book. It is typical in the way that it has a lot of history and not a lot of pictures. You are expected for the most part to see what the book is talking about. This book by itself, while short, is possibly a little better than most as it focuses on the interior design and individual furniture pieces designed by Issac Scott an architect on retainer for the Glessners. It even has some detail design drawings in it. The actual designs in this book are kind of Gothic which is hard to find, with a hint of German, Dutch, Victorian, and Art Deco design in all of the designs. None shown are quite completely any style past a strong Gothic influence cluttered with a lot of decorations and design shapes covering every inch of wood or wall space. This book is especially useful as an alternative to much of the melo-drama, Victorian Ginger Bread house Des go literature available today. The design style featured in this book is sort of a cluttered interior design style which would work well in many masculine world traveler library or studies with some Antilope or boars heads thrown in for good measure.
*** Making Craftsman Furniture, Gustav Stckley; Dover – N.Y. 1986 ISBN:0-486-25000-8 This 1910 to 1916 compilation of 62 designs published in The Craftsman Magazine has little of value to it. It describes the construction hardware and materials in each piece and gives an adequate cutting list for the lumber, but nothing on how it goes together, or where its pieces fit into furniture history. While the cutting list is the main feature of the book, it also has some scaled construction elevation drawings for each piece. What is missing however is individual design drawings for each of the pieces to be cut, and exploded pictorials for how each piece goes together. It is easy enough to do a takeoff off the drawings, but given the materials list, it is harder than doing the takeoff from scratch in that all design details must now match up to the specifications of the cutting list. Designing from this book is more like putting together a jig saw puzzle in the attempt to give details to the lumber cuts so that things like mortise and tenons are cut in the right places and boards curved and or cut to the right angle. Boarders
**** Mission Furniture: How to Make It, Popular Mechanics Co.; Dover Publications, Inc. – N.Y. 1980 ISBN: 0-486-23966-7 This book on mission or craftsman furniture is not so much help in the design a help as it designs are few and not so remarkable, more it is a help in figuring out how to make and decorate the items. It is a turn of the century original book on furniture building and design. While it is not of as much use to designers as is Stickley, this book goes into greater depth on how to create variations on a set design which is useful. Boarders
**** Modern Furniture and Decoration, Ed. by Robert Harling; Galahad Books – N.Y. 1971 ISBN: 0-88365-254-4 This book on 1960s and early 70s interior design features lots of light and airiness and many good ideas, just god afoul choices of color and shape and texture that then looked ultra modern for that period, but today shows really bad taste. The design possibilities from such a book which does not only cater to modern items in it are endless for plays, and much more useful than most arty books on the subject and this book is a little more toned down in its concepts and ideas of what is good. The ideas in this book are not Space 1999 design choices, it is still normal rooms, only with orange rugs and checkerboard sofas inside of normal rooms. This book does not yet feature dark wood paneling of the later 70s, or Leave it to Beaver Early American furnishings of the 50s it fits the gap well. As for a book on interior design, while many of the concepts are dated and need subduing more by to days standards, it still is quite competent for design. Resale Shop
*** Mott’s Illustrated Catalog of Victorian Plumbing Fixtures for Bathrooms and Kitchens, The J.L. Mott Iron Works; Dover – N.Y. 1987 ISBN: 0-486-25526-3 This 1888 catalog on plumbing might not seem very useful, not many plays feature Victorian sinks, toilets, and boiler room pipe work, but in plays like “My Sister in this House” or even “Assassins” this book will give a large variety of design options to the designer. It features every plumbing fixture available during the time from this company and if nothing else gives a good impression of the flair, technology and decoration given to even the most mundane of items of the period. Boarders
***** 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue – 100th. Anniversary Edition, Ed. by Fred L. Israel; Chelsea House Publishers – Philadelphia, PA. 1993 ISBN: 0-87754-045-4 This book while it does not quite have the flair of the 1902 catalog, or quite the selection, does have most of the products with adequate drawings of them and descriptions. The major difference between the books is that the 1902 catalog has more products, and slightly more modern products which might easier be translated into things used over the next twenty years. boarders
****** The 1902 Edition of The Sears Roebuck Catalogue, with an introduction by Cleveland Amory; Bounty Books – N.Y. Reprint c1970 This sears catalog re-printed long before such things became popular, is a tremendously useful source book for the images and descriptions of day to day items, tools, furniture, even food from the turn of the century. This book is of tremendous use to any prop designer because Sears carried everything by this time.
***** Stickley Craftsman Furniture Catalogs, Gustav Stickley; Dover Publications – N.Y. 1979 ISBN: 0-486-23838-5 This re-printed set of catalogs, with its excellent drawings and pictures has proven very useful in set design to enable the designer to have a wide variety of choices in 20th Century furniture styles, all of which are easy to design and build as props, yet are also very distinctive and look nice. The pieces in this book are very useful. Boarders
**** Tell City Primer of Early American Home Decorating, Tell City Chair Company; Tell City IN.
Volume 69 This late 1950s to early 70s interior design and chair / Early American furniture sales book is the apodeme of interior design and furniture design available during this period. To decorate a set without this book for this period would be more like decorating in the blind than with a large pallet to choose from. Even though what is featured in this catalog is not rare or hard to get, having it all listed in the same place with pictures of the intent of how it was designed to be used makes this book like the Ethan Allen Catalog tremendously useful. The only limitation of this book is that it is devoted to only one style during this period, and while it is one more likely to be seen than the modern furniture well covered in books from the period, the Early American type of furniture is limited in its usefulness to designers because it tailored to a rather narrow middle class to more likely upper middle class segment of society. Resale Shop
***** The Victorian House Catalogue, Young & Marten’s 1895 Catalog; Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. N.Y. 1992 ISBN: 0-8069-8614-X This catalog reprint is to the Victorian era what the Sears catalog is to turn of the century down home America. The lamps, mantels, spindles, hardware, and other items featured in this catalog are hard to get, and harder to imagine without this source, it even features a large section on wrought iron fences and exterior decorations are really useful to a designer. Boarders
*** The Well Appointed Bath, National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States; Preservation Press – Washington D.C. 1989 ISBN: 0-89133-151-4 This combination of 1935 Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Co. and 1914 J.L. Iron Works Catalogs is much the same in usefulness as is the Victorian plumbing book. This one features a early 20th century theme to it and deals more with the design points and has excellent color drawings of what their fixtures in bathrooms of the times would look like. It gives an excellent history of plumbing and design specs down to the tooth brush holders. If the chance for designing a washroom on stage ever comes up for this time period, this book will prove tremendously useful in offering design ideas and choices. Boarders
++++ The What, Where, When of Theatre Props, by Thurston James; Betterway Books – Cincinnati, OH. 1992 ISBN: 1-55870-258 Review From TCI Jim van Bergen “An inexpensive, concise and clearly written compilation of simple but valuable information, Thurston James new book is a cross between an encyclopedia and an illustrated dictionary of props. The contents are well defined with history, description, historical time and location, of the object within a broad base of like products under a general subject such as snuff boxes being under smoking. Basic information is available on many different topics, from the expected, such as furniture styles, bathrooms, early lamps, and cocktail glasses, to the unusual such as bardings, punishments and alchemy. A high school or community theatre could perhaps rely on this text for all of its prop research, while a regional theatre might make good use of it as a general prop/period book. It would certainly be welcome at production meetings to provide a pictoral reference when choosing things as simple as what type of telephone to use in a a production set in the US in 1939. For the professional designer, James’ text is only a beginning for the research required by any period piece. While this book will provide perfectly acceptable albeit simple, answers quickly, the bulk of the important in-depth research information is not present. A passage devoted to furniture styles has no visual references whatsoever, and managers to leave out several styles entirely, including Bauhaus and Art Deco. Furthermore, it is confusing to have illustrations present for one entry amid missing for the next. A picture accompanies the entry fro a Banjo Clock, whit the next entry for a Black Forest Clock has none. In research, pictures are often more important than words because they are capable of conveying a message faster. There are also several instances where pertinent information has been left out. The entry for the Silex coffeemaker has no place, time, or size reference at all. The nearby listing for blenders has no listing for country, although after reading through the entire category, one may assume all history is American. But there is no information concerning when blenders were introduced in Europe. However, this is a well-written text with only a few oversights. For daily use in the theatre or as a desk reference, it is a useful tool. While no one single reference will ever compile enough information to become the stand-alone reference for properties, the what, where, when of theatre props, will provide any reader with quick answers, a small quality bibliography, and an excellent starting point for complete research.”
7) Carpentry:
+++The ABC of Stage Technology; Francis Ried 1995, This illustrated reference work is an encyclopedia of stage technology terms 108pp Rose Brand
++ Aunty Sarah’s Recipes for Real Life, ISBN: 12-06-99-0001 Eleven recipes including old favorites such as play dough and soap bubbles as well as some new surprises. The recipes are printed in vivid color on 5″ x 7″ heavy parchment stock cards and then laminated for a durable waterproof finish. Each card is fitted with an eyelet and the set is completed with a sturdy metal ring to hold them all together. Sapsis
**** Basic Lumber Engineering for Builders, by Max Schwartz; Craftsman Book Company, – Carlsbad, Ca.1998 ISBN: 1-57218-042-0 The physics of lumber construction and engineering. If you plan to design, and understand what and why you need to size and build things a certain way, or have an overwhelming T.D. responsibility in you, this is a really good place to start learning. Otherwise unless you really want to understand stress on materials, it is not much good. Boarders
** Builders Vest Pocket Reference Book, by William J. Hornung; Prentice Hall Press – N.Y. 1986 ISBN: 0-13-085944-3
The things not found in this book far outweigh the things covered by this book. It is set up for contractors in the housing field and as such deals with drywall, framing, masonry and excavation. All of these sections might be useful had they entailed anything new instead of being a more condensed version of books like Architectural Formulas or Graphic Standards. There are many useful charts and tables in the book dealing with things like how many nails will be needed to put up a section of drywall or stud a wall, or span charts for standard framing. This book might be good shoved in the back of a tool box to answer general framing questions, but most of is covered in this book is better laid out and more detailed in other carpentry books. In many ways this book is set up to be the Back Stage Handbook, for contractors. For stage carpenters however, the section on foundations and masonry – covering half the book make the usefulness of this book limited. Boarders & Hardware Store
**** Building Construction Illustrated, by Francis D.K. Ching; Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. – N.Y. 1975 ISBN: 0-442-21533-9 This is a book on how buildings are constructed, assembled, and the materials which are used in places such as doorways, foundations, rafters, etc. This book also has a fair amount of technical data to show types and sizes of material available and differences between types – anything from types of cement to grades of plywood. This book – similar to Architectural Graphic Standards, works well in combination with it as it does not have as much data presented, it however goes into more detail on the subjects covered with its excellent illustrations which make it easy to understand how to build things. Re-Sale Shop & Boarders
**** Cabinet Making for Beginners, by Charles H. Hayward; Sterling Publishing Co. – N.Y. 1979 ISBN: 0-8069-8184-9 This small book is focused on making all types of furniture from the how to part of joinery and not as much about design and style where actual construction is concerned. As such this book becomes highly adaptable towards making and repairing all types of fine woodwork without bogging itself down into techniques for certain types. The only problems with this book lie in the fact it is highly out of date, lacking newer tools such as air and materials such as hot glue. It also assumes the builder to be limited in skill level and tools available. The methods involved with this book are also highly time consuming and thus of limited use other than its joinery area for the theater. Resale & Boarders
** Classic Hand Tools, by Garrett Hack; The Taunton Press – Newtown CT. 1999 ISBN: 1-56158-273-5 This “Coffee Table Book” is interesting as any antique furniture guide, but is of limited use to the tradesman in that most of the tools detailed in this book are obsolete and inefficient for more than nostalgia. It does to its defense cover a great deal about different types of tools and their care and sharpening which is useful to the tool buff but not overly necessary to know. Boarders
+++ Commercial Metal Stud Framing, by Ray Clark; Construction Savvy – Dist. #AF4100
“Framing commercial jobs can be extremely lucrative work. But most commercial work uses some form of metal stud framing. Switching to steel framing can be a daunting experience. With this new book you’ll quickly learn the basic methods to master high-speed metal stud framing in commercial construction. You’ll also learn about the new tools, materials and equipment you’ll need for framing with steel, and how to use them safely and efficiently. Focuses on how a crew can work together, setting up and maintaining a rhythm that speeds you through the job quickly and accurately. (200pp)”
+++ The Complete Book of Floor cloths, by Kathy Cooper and Jan Hersey; Altamont Press, Inc. Asheville, NC. 1997, ISBN: 1-887374-19-1 “Originally an inexpensive alternative to carpets in early America, floor cloths are created simply by painting or stenciling on heavy canvas. The book has complete instructions for making a variety of floor-cloths, as well as a lavish gallery of work by artists throughout the US.” (144pp)
** The Complete Concrete, Masonry, and Brick Handbook, by J.T. Adams; Arco Pub. Inc. N.Y. 1979 ISBN: 0-668-04340-7 A good book with everything you everything you ever wanted to know about masonry, but do not need for the stage. Resale Shop
* The Complete Guide to Installing Doors and Windows, by William P. Spence; Rodale Press Emmaus, PA. 1998 (Excerpted from Finish Carpentry, by William P Spence; Sterling Publishing Co.- N.Y. 1995) A real door and window is by far different than a stage one. One of the biggest problems for stage carpenters is in mastering these two things, and once mastered, many of the most common problems on stage with doors and windows working well would be solved. This being the case, a chapter such as this in a good carpentry book is a must for all scenic carpenters. This book however having already been published in another larger, more broad covering book is not needed. Many straight carpentry not remodeling books are on the market, the one listed above is probably just as good as any other, but the master is of course Norm Abrams, any knowledge from him should be much more useful and trustworthy than this author. On the whole this book is okay in its technique but not needed as a single instruction book as it does not give any real break through’s in technique found no-where else. American Woodworker
++++Complete Wood finishing; Ian Hosker 2000, Covers everything from sanding to varnishing and coloring. 167pp Rosebrand
+++ Corrugated Cardboard Scenery, by Harvey Sweet Another crazy book for purists with entirely too much time on their hands and a hippy background. I investigated this book once and found interesting concepts and intriguing structures of cardboard strength but all un-necessary, time consuming, and easier to build out of lumber especially plywood. This book has some good basic ideas, but seems to spend much of its time going to great lengths to reinforce cardboard to make it strong enough for structures which will probably not last an entire production. Act I & Stage Step – Dist.
+++ Corrugated Cardboard Scenery, by Darryl Wedwick; Players Press Inc. – Studio City 1994 ISBN: 0-88734-628-6 “Details how to build out of cardboard.” (176pp)
***** Decorating with Paint, by Jocasta Innes; Harmony Books – N.Y. 1986 ISBN: 0-517-57229-X There is no real book on the market for Theater Scenic Artists, this book captures the scenic artist illusion painting and brings it into the home. All the scenic artist has to do with this book is re-adapt it for the stage. Its steps, instructions and ideas are far superior than found in any general purpose theater book such as Scenery for the Theater. The only major difference in this book is in the type of materials used in this book. As it is tailored towards the smaller scale and not mass production of industrial scenery, the book is still very useful. Boarders
**** Designing and Painting for the Theatre by Lynn Pecktal, ISBN 0-03-011901-4, good source or tips for making cut out drops? Your message got truncated but it looks like you were about to ask if one paints the drop first, the answer is YES! And take every word he says about not stretching the net too tight. Remember, in designing the cut shape, the net only holds things up, not sideways. The horizontal threads of the net just keep things from swinging in breezes. The perfect cut shape would hang straight with just the vertical threads of the net in place. HTH.
*** Do-It-Yourself Encyclopedia, Rockvillle House Publishers, Inc.; – Republic of the Philippines 1970 This small encyclopedia series is good for general gloss overs on how to do things, and more detailed information on specific tools and methods for doing specific tasks. The only problem is, due to the scope of the book, the items featured in this series is based towards the home owner and tools and methods are dated. The tool sections are for the most part very detailed, however not industrial in description or use. They are also more or less random as to what is featured. The projects entailed are also less complex and detailed in more than the most basic of details. For the most part, this book is useful because it fills a hole by describing the features and uses of some general tools and materials which otherwise is not covered in most books in as great of detail. Resale Shop
**** Essentials of Stage Scenery, by Samuel Selden; Appleton Century Crofts – N.Y. 1972 Library of Congress #70-182307 This is a good book on basic scenic construction and craft. It is well suited for use in small theaters, and is a good how-to book, but is out of date on the other hand with methods and materials. Resale Shop
*** Fine Homebuilding Tips & Techniques For Builders, The Taunton Press – Newtown CT. 1997 ISBN: 0-942391-09-8 While most tip books are for the most part useless half baked tidbits by people who are yet to find the proper tool or better method for doing stuff. This book on the other hand is only half useless and has some good ideas. Boarders
++++Gilding: Easy Techniques & Elegant Projects with Metal Leaf; Jane LaFerla 1987 A short overview of the basics of gilding and a wide variety of projects 112pp Rosebrand
++++ Handbook of Adhesives and Sealants, Edward M. Petrie 1999; Construction Savvy – Dist.
#AF2542 Shows designers and others all of the ins and outs of using adhesives and sealants successfully. Full details on adhesive and sealant selection and use with extension data on how they perform in their end-use. Covers chemistry, materials, and surface science, and solid mechanics – key areas not commonly studied by designers.
++++ Handbook of Scenery Properties and Lighting I, Volume 1 Scenery and Props by Harvey Sweet 2nd Ed.; Allyn & Bacon DesMoines 1995 “Covers traditional and more recent techniques. Ideal for theatre educators and community theater designers and crews, providing simple instructions, lists of tools, and materials, safety notes, “how-to” tips, and low-cost solutions. Introduces the elements that contribute to the design of a setting and explains how they may be manipulated to create visual composition that supports the action of the play. Instructions for building and covering flats, platforms, ramps, stairs, doors, windows, columns, and backdrops.”
** Home Woodworking & Finishing; Handyman Club of America; Creative Publishing International, Inc. – Minnetonka, MN. 1995 ISBN:0-86573-746-0 This general purpose book is supposed to be geared towards fine cabinetry and furniture making, but is targeted towards a much lower skill level than would otherwise be needed based on the instructions and ideas in this book. Most of the projects in this book are cabinetry type construction. Construction details are kept really basic, and few – bare bones woodworking with some simple finishing techniques and brushed over more complex detail work. This books format that of learning to build stuff while also getting directions on how to build one specific piece of furniture is distracting and make this book for all intensive purposes, no better than a Time Life book on the subject. Special Order – Handyman Club of America & Boarders
** How to Install Congoleum Sheet Vinyl Floors, Congoleum Corporation -Lawrenceville N.J. 1989
This drab little guide goes into great depth on how best to install and remove vinyl sheet and tile flooring. It is well enough written that given the professional installation tools, the installer can make perfect seams and smooth sub-floors. For the stage carpenter, this book has almost too much detail and precision to follow with any speed or practicality. The things in this manual are good to know, but any decent home remodeling book should prove sufficient for stage use. Congoleum Corp.
** Making Jigs and Fixtures, by Nick Engler; Rodale Press – Emmaus PA. 1995 ISBN: 0-87596-689-6 This Time Life like idea book is set up for the weekend warrior carpenter. The jigs and tool accessories are not for the most part industrial production useful by any scene shop norm with few exceptions. Almost all of the useful ideas in this book can be found in almost any good working book with other just as good if not better ideas on how to make jigs. Boarders & Special Order – American Woodworker Magazine
++++Measure Twice, Cut Once, by Jim Tolpin, Betterway Books ISBN #1-55870-428-0 “Simple and effective ways (with and without a rule) to measure, scale, draw and calculate to guarantee good proportion, clean cuts, snug joints and the right fit every time.” – Andy Champ Doran TD Bard College
***** Milwaukee Power Tool Users Guide, Milwaukee Power Tools c.1980 This book, much like the Klein book above is a excellent course into the safe use and guidelines for using all power tools. Like above, the reader will get to understand in depth all major hand power tools and some bench type. This book might be out of print, and would be well worth some research to get it. This book in classroom format is of much better quality than any home handyman Time Life type books on specific power tools as it is designed for study by the industrial user not the limited light use home owner. Milwaukee Power Tool Company – Special Order
**** Modern Woodworking, by Willis H. Wagner; The Goodheart Willcox Co., Inc. Publishers South Holland, Il. 1974 ISBN: 0-87006-180-1 This is a high school level woodworking book. As such, it teaches the reader about the proper method of using almost any tool or woodworking material especially the big power tools. Because of this, this book should be read once, than kept around as a refresher course in how to use the tools not often used or how to do something not standard. This book is old school which is good, and is also refreshing from the more modern books on tools catering to weekend warriors or graduate level carpenters. Resale Shop or Boarders
*** The Pocket Guide to Wood Finishes, Nigel Lofthouse; Quarto Pub. plc. – Cincinnati, OH. 1993
ISBN: 1-55870-272-5 This book is a color chart for stains and finishes to be applied on fine working. it tells some about how to finish and what to use, but for the most part, the book is devoted to showing pictures or color chips to the different effects and stains which are offered on the market. Unfortunately the lists are generic or examples of what hand mixing colors should look like. To get the color seen in this book to appear on a real surface would take a lot of work. The books best use, after selecting colors for use would be in using this book as a scenic artist in graining wood. Boarders
***** Pocket Ref, 2nd Ed. by Thomas J. Glover; Sequoia Publishing, Inc. – Littleton, CO. 1998
ISBN: 1-885071-00-0 This book is much like the above Builders Vest Pocket, but much improved and useful for theater techs. It is similar to The Backstage Handbook in things offered in it, but more set up towards contractors with span chart / water flow questions. In all, it tries to answer any question that might come up on sight from elementary particle weights to money changing. It is smaller than the backstage handbook and has more in it but is also less easy to read and use than the above handbook. This book is possibly the best book on the market amongst all pocket handbooks to go everywhere with the contractor in a toolbox. Sapsis Rigging & Boarders.
++++Practical Gilding; Peter & Ann MacTaggart 1994, An inclusive guide to water and oil-based gilding. 74pp Rosebrand
***** The Prop Builder’s Molding & Casting Handbook, by Thurston James; Betterway Publications Inc. – White Hall, Virginia 1989 ISBN: 1-55870-128-1 This is a really good How-To book on casting. It is specific, clear and easy to follow such as a cook book. This book can find its home easily in any theater and for the most part is still how things are done. Act I and Boarders
***** Proper use and care of Hand Tools, Hand Tools Institute; Klein Tools, Inc. – Chicago, Il. 1993
This book should be required reading for all Theater Practicum Students. It covers almost every safety guideline, tip for proper use of, and type of hand tool on the market. Students or tradesmen who learn from this book will be less likely to hurt themselves or ruin good tools by mis-use of the hand tools covered by this book. It is kind of like getting a general apprenticeship in proper tool use by the grumpy old man of the theater, without all of the yelling, long speeches and tangents. The reader will not only understand what each tool is but what to look for when they buy them and what they are for. Special Order – Berland’s House of Tools or any other Klein distributer
***** Recipes for Surfaces, by Mindy Drucker; Simon & Schuster Inc. – N.Y. 1990
ISBN: 0-671-68249-0 This is the other book on the Scenic Arts which is the best on the market and a must have for all Scenic Artists. It goes into even more detail on technique and materials needed for doing it on a large scale. It also goes more into mixing of colors and color theory than Decorating with Paint. As with the above book, the things featured in this book might be a little more extreme than is necessary, but once the proper method for painting something is learned, it is easier to scale down the process. Borders
+++++ Scene Technology, 3rd. ed. by Richard L. Arnold (372pp); Stage Step – Dist. #TE709
“A thorough overview of contemporary principles and practices surrounding the preparation of the scenic environment for the preforming arts. Encompasses a wide range of materials and methods, providing the foundation to acquire the knowledge, precision in craftsmanship, and creative imagination necessary for solving scenic problems. Emphasizes: health and safety precautions; special effects; current information regarding new technologies, such as CAD and use of plastic materials, plus traditional approaches widely employed; and scene shop and shop management in their roles of operation, budget control, and time management in production.” Stage Step – Guide to the Performing Arts
***** Scenery for the Theater, Harold Buris-Meyer and Edward C. Cole; Little, Brown & Co. – Boston 1971 Library of Congress # 72-154968 This is getting to be an old book, but it still is the “Bible for Scenic Construction.” Even if within the last fifteen years, there are new techniques out since this book was bought, it still is a very complete book. Unfortunately it still is not as detailed as it should be. Boarders and Re-Sale Shop
++++ Scenic Art for the Theater – History Tools and Techniques, by Susan Crabtree and Peter Beudert 1988 ISBN: 0-240-80187-3 “This is a visual and written guide to the tools and techniques used in modern scenic painting. Written in easy-to-understand language, the tools and techniques sections, complete with hints and how-to’s, make the book a handy reference for anyone studying or working in this field.” It is about time a book like this is published because the books to date featuring stolen stage techniques for the home help some but need modification when used on the stage and thus are limited. Boarders & Secoa
* Self-Supporting Scenery, 5th Ed. by James Hull Miller; Meriwether Publishing Ltd. – Colorado 1984 ISBN: 0-916260-91-7 This book is the “Hack/Barbarian” carpenter’s guide to scenery. This book tell all on how to slap together scenery which will not only look bad on stage, but fall apart before the run is over. If anything this book should only be bought to show how not to build or design scenery. Act I and Boarders
+ Self-Supporting Scenery, 4th ed. by James Hull Miller
“For Children’s Theatre…and Groen-ups’, Too. Free-standing scenery creates its own theater. It is compact, economical, flexible, and marches right onto any stage platform, classroom, recreation hall or garden theater. Here is everything you need to know to construct your own. Covers tools, materials, designs, and craft.” This book having been looked into extensively is not worth the time or effort to read. It shows how to build and design cheap crappy little sets that give no bang for your buck, and fail in almost all but the most overt in design criteria – giving location to the setting. This book is written for the worst of children’s shows, the worst of community theater or the most boring of actor driven productions. It is of no real use for a real set designer. Act I & Boarders
**** Stagecraft, by David Welker; Allyn Bacon Inc. – Boston 1978 ISBN: 0-205-05589-3
This book, while not quite Scenery for the Theater, is a good less expensive manual on theater construction, -nd how it is all supposed to work. It is better than a basic book on theater craft, but not the best. Resale Shop
++++Stagecraft I: A Complete Guide to Backstage Work, 3rd ED. ISBN #0-9606320-7-7
***** The Stagecraft Handbook, by Daniel A Ionazzi (208pp); Stage Step – Dist. #TE100, ISBN 1-55870-4043 “Using nails and wood, fabric and paint, hardware and rigging, you create an illusion and build the make believe world of play. Here is a scene-shop manual to help, clearly written and abundantly illustrated, covering every aspect of scenery construction. Learn about: the four primary stage configurations – proscenium, thrust, arena and environmental; flying scenery and moving floors; organizing the scene shop to make good scenery quickly and inexpensively; shop tools and safety; scaled drawings, models and other Communication tools you’ll use; materials commonly used in building scenery construction techniques; installing and rigging scenery; and maintaining an inventory of stock scenery.” All of this in one 200 page book tells me this book will tell the reader a lot of nothing useful. Stage Step – Guide to Preforming Arts
**** Stage Scenery, by A.S. Gillette; Harper & Row – N.Y. 1959 Library of Congress #59-13576
This is an average book on scenic construction. It has all the essentials like how a roll drop works, but does not go into enough specifics into materials to be really helpful. Resale Shop
**** Staining and Polishing, by Charles H. Hayward; Drake Publishers LTD. – N.Y. 1969
Every finish, Every way of applying a finish in great detail, for its time, including industrial spray and application systems. This book would be highly useful for a master painter who has to deal with a lot of valuable props or any scenic artist who wants to learn more about his trade and how best to use the tools available for his work. Its detail however is beyond the needs of the weekend refinisher or stage tech to put a nice finish on a surface and forget about it, especially with many of to days modern finishes. Resale Shop
+++++ Stagecraft 1, by William Lord
Subtitled “A Complete Guide to Backstage Work,” “It’s an introduction to all the fundamentals of a stagehand’s job. The what, when and why of all backstage equipment and how to use it. Originally intended as a high school text, it’s been used successfully by several IA locals for their new hires.” It is too bad this book was published after I had already taken the course twice over with really crappy books which went into no detail this seems a good basics book. Tools for Stagecraft
* Stage Design and Properties, by Michael Holt; Schirmer Books – N.Y. 1989 ISBN: 0-02-871343-5
This book has some good ideas on cheap easy to build props and scenery which do not go into enough detail to be of much use however, and for the most part need complete re-thinking before use. This book is almost dangerous in the false hope it gives for easy scenery that works well, looks good and will last.
++++ Stock Scenery Construction Handbook, By Bill Raoul ISBN: 0-911747-38-9
This book has been out a while but has never been of much more than passing interest to me. Stock scenery is a simple concept and its construction can be best learned at a professional scene shop, however the author – if it is the notorious ISU professor, makes the book worth a buy if only to see what he knows. “This book is all about the basics-flats, platforms, ramps, steps, curtains, drops, and paint. If you’ve never built scenery, this book will show you, in easy-to-follow steps, how to do it right the first Time.” Boarders & Secoa
**** The Swanson Speed Square, Swanson Tool Co. – Frankfort, Il. 1991 If not just for the better quality of this company’s tool, this book certainly makes its company’s worth the extra price for doing framing. This book tells the user not only how to use the square with all of its features, but has charts in the back for joist and rafter angle cutting. Any tool which comes with such a guide book such as a framing square or tri-square should be bought as general textbooks do not go into much detail on how best to use them. Swanson Speed Square
* 404 Terrific Tech Tips, from the best of American Woodworker Magazine; Rodale Press Inc.
Emmaus PA. 1996 This is a compilation of bad ideas by “Weekend Warrior” Carpenters on how to do things without buying the proper tool or using the proper technique for doing such things. The ideas within this book are not very bright or original they just leap out at you as being dumb or hack solutions. American Woodworker
***** The Theater Props Handbook, by Thurston James; Betterway Publications Inc. – White Hall Virginia 1987 ISBN: 0-932620-86-8 Like Casting Book by the same author, this book is a must have for all tech people who build stuff for the stage, even if all of its things are not exactly what is needed, adaptions on the props in this book is very easy. “Just about every kind of prop used on stage is covered in this lavishly illustrated text. Mr. James has years of experience building props and teaching others and his step-by-step guide is almost as good as taking one of his classes.” Act I, Boarders & Secoa
Theater engineering and Stage Machinery; Toshiro Ogawa, 2000; “A distinctive reference tool covering every aspect fo theatrical machinery and stage technology. Over 200 illustrations and 150 photos. 308pp. Rosebrand
++++ Theatrical Scene Painting: A Lesson Guide, by William H. Pinnell (170pp); Stage Step #TE5298 Explains the techniques of traditional scene painting. A “how-to” for the novice, explains the methods used in creating the illusion of 3-dimensions where only two exist. Step-by-step explanation of each aspect of scene painting, using color and b/w photos for illustration. Emphasis on traditional scene painting, teaching the beginner the various methods of re-reating reality through painted illusion. Covers the fundamentals: media most commonly used in scenic work; basic tools of the trade; and numerous methods of creating texture on scenery. Building on primary painting techniques, provides the student with the ability to formulate recognizable illusions; and illustrates refinements and embellishments that lead to more advanced work.
Stage Step – Guide to Preforming Arts
**** Theatrical Set Design, David Welker; Allyn and Bacon Inc. Boston 1969. A good Source book on design thru the Ages. Used Bookstore / ISU Library
**** This Old House Guide to Building and Remodeling Materials, by Bob Vila; Warner Books
N.Y. 1986 ISBN: 0-446-38246-9 This book is much like the picture book part of the Backstage Handbook only the pictures of the tools have descriptions, instructions and tips printed with them. The tips are surprisingly helpful unlike the useless tips with most books. It also has much more information than the handbook at least as it pertains to home owners. The information in this book is overall a good supplement to the info found in books like the handbook and Scenery for the Theater. And can most help in deciding what qualities alternate stage materials outside of the normal stage tools and fasteners, lumer and the like. Boarders & Resale Shop.
*** Veneering Simplified, by Jason Hobbs; Charles Scribner’s Sons – N.Y. 1981
ISBN: 0-684-16763-8 This book is tailored to the small project and weekend refinisher. As such it only deals with furniture and artful designs, not industrial and stage uses for it from making counter tops to resurfacing of doors. The methods outlined in this book which are good to know, also do not transfer well to the needs for the above uses because they are too fine and slow to produce rapid work. Boarders & Resale
*** The Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling, by Charlie Wing; Rodale Press – Emmaus, PA. 1998
ISBN: 0-87596-808-2 This is a typical but not great professional grade book on building materials and methods. It has the standard charts for load and span and other misc. type things, but does not go into much detail into either variations off the norm or methods and projects not covered anywhere else. There is nothing original in this book which makes this book stand out, if anything it has less detail and depth as most similar books.
Mail Order & Boarders
**** The Weekend Refinisher, by Bruce Johnson; Ballantine Books – N.Y. 1989 ISBN: 0-345-35866-X This book shows great detail in how to strip, care for and finish fine fine woodwork. For the most part, what is covered in this book is beyond the need for most theatrical finishes, but it finds an use in both describing how to use all types of finish materials, and can help in preservation and finish work for the occasional high quality project which often finds its way into the shop during down time. Boarders & Resale Shop
** What Wood Is That, by Hubert L. Edlin; The Viking Press – N.Y. 1969
Library of Congress #69-15933 This book even has real wood chips in the front to match with other wood types. After the This Old House Building Materials Guide, this book describes every thing you ever wanted to know about wood and how to identify each type. It details fungus, cutting, and each minute difference between each tree in the forest. This book is more use for nature walkers than carpenters with the exception of furniture builders who wish to use odd wood and know all about what they are using. It descriptions might also be of use to scenic artists in that it goes into great detail about the shape and size of all parts of a tree and its parts. Resale Shop
**** The Workshop Companion – Joining Wood, by Nick Engler; Rodale Press – Emmaus PN. 1991 ISBN: 0-87596-121-5 Joining wood is one of the luxury which can be gone without for a long time, but would be nice to have and learn from once a carpenter starts to produce a higher level of work. How to join or splice two pieces of wood together is not the only thing covered in this book, it also covers many jigs, techniques and fresh approaches to cutting and assembling wood. In addition to these it has a useful table on compound miter settings and the use of a square mortising bit. Boarders & Special Order – American Woodworker Magazine **** The Workshop Companion – Making Built-In Cabinets, by Nick Engler; Rodale Press – Emmaus PN. 1992
ISBN: 0-87596-139-8 This is a fairly competent book on how to make good quality cabinetry, shelving, and other production based built-in furnishings. It is not quite Norm writing the book, but the author and his ideas are still quite good enough to be put to use in almost any shop or adapted for use in high quality scenery. Boarders & Special Order – American Woodworker Magazine
*** The Workshop Companion – Routing and Shaping: by Nick Engler; Rodale Press – Emmaus PN. 1991
ISBN: 0-87596-107-X “Router School 101,” This book is as good if not better than any of the other current books on routering, it goes into enough detail about things like collet segments, but not enough about things like the exact speed different size bits should be at while going thru different materials and thicknesses. It is geared to the home owner and not the industrial user, so some of the info in it is only marginally useful.
Boarders & Special Order – American Woodworker Magazine
***** The Workshop Companion – Using the Table Saw, by Nick Engler; Rodale Press
– Emmaus PN. 1991 ISBN: 0-87596-17-4 This is an excellent book on using the table saw and includes more inside it than any other text book on how to use the saw. This includes diagonal cutting and feeds, the use of store bought accessories, and fence extensions. Any carpenter interested in cutting more than a straight cut should study this guide. Boarders & Special Order – American Woodworker Magazine
8) Rigging / Repelling:
***** Arena Rigging: A guide for Riggers, Designers and Managers,
+++++Arena Rigging, Harry Donovan; Information for beginners and experts based upon his rigging seminars. Discusses all aspects of entertainment rigging. Sapsis Rigging
+++The Art of Knotting and Splicing, by Cyrus L. Day (256 pages) ISBN: 12-01-99-1702
“Learn nearly every knot that’s ever been invented; it’s in this book! Precise photos demonstrate the construction of hundreds of useful knots and splices. Crystal clear instructions make this book the definitive hands-on guide to creating knots.” Boarders & Sapsis
****’Ashley Book of Knots’ has a long splice in wire rope, #2718 and eye splices, #2805 07 Nov 2002 11:29:27 -0800 From: “Dr. Randall W.A. Davidson” <Doomster@WorldNet.ATT.net> Subject: Re: Pen clips and cargo nets Duncan is correct. We use this book at all of our entertainment technician workshops and seminars. it is the bible. Dr. Doom
Lee Valley sells what they call pencil clips, item #05N52.02, for $1.40 per dozen. They are the simple slip on style, not the type that works like half a clothespin.
For all knot and rope related questions, one of the first books I consult is the Ashley book of Knots, by Clifford W. Ashley. I’m not near my copy at the moment, so I can’t say for sure that cargo nets are in there, but they probably are.
*****CMC Rescue Manual, 3rd. Ed., edited by James a Frank; CMC Rescue, Inc. – Santa Barbara CA. 1998 ISBN: 0-96183337-7-7 This if anything is the repelling rule book. It has it all from analysis of each grade and size of rope to how to rescue people. Boarders, Sapsis Rigging and Eastern Mountain Sports
****The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice” by Brion Toss. “Pages 205-308 covers how to make a “wire grommet,” by splicing the ends of cable to form a ring,” “This book covers a wide variety of topics, tying knots, splicing rope, splicing cable, and others related topics. A very good book, but there are better books on knots.”
+++++ ESTA’S Standard for Construction and Use of Wire Rope Ladders, ISBN:
12-09-99-3008 This is the third of the professional books everyone should read about wire rope but almost everyone has not. Sapsis or ESTA
+++Guide to Knots, by Mario Bigon and Guido Regazzoni (255 pages) “This is the knot tying book I’ve been looking for. Learn how to tie any knot used onstage and for yachting. Finally I’ve found a book with full color photos and instructions that are easy to follow. Each strand of rope is a different color. This is definitely the best book I’ve (according to the salesperson for this book) ever found to teach anyone how to tie knots. Tools for Stagecraft
+++H.A.R.T. Book, by Tom Vines and Steve Hudson “A textbook style publication that is designed to teach rope rescue techniques in a systematic manner. Many illustrations and examples are very helpful in understanding principles. An excellent reference publication. Primarily written from a SAR point of view.” Rescue Systems, Inc.
**** Handbook of Knots, by Des Pawson; Dorling Kindersley Ltd. 1998. ISBN:0-7894-2395-2 “Over 100 knots. The illustrations are actually photos and were two lines are involved in a knot the lines are different colors for clarity. Pretty neat.”
******Handbook for Riggers, By W.G. Newberry; Newberry Investments Co. LTD. – Alberta Canada 1989 ISBN: 0-9690154-1-0 This tool box manual assumes a lot of knowledge on the part of the rigger, however it gives important data for use in the field in a format which is easy to bring with on site. It covers general design specifications on some rope, chain and cable for use in the construction industry, but is useful also on stage. Sapsis Rigging & Boarders
**** Handbook of Rigging for Construction and Industrial Operations, 4th ed.W.E. Rossnagel;
McGraw Hill – N.Y. 1988. This is an interesting rigging book on industrial rigging as opposed to the common books on theater, boat or repelling rigging. It fits more into the industrial/Rock & Roll type of rigging after the boom arm and crane sections are dealt with and details a lot of rigging methods and materials not covered in other books like bosuns chairs and window washers scaffold. Boarders & I.S.U. Library
+++++ Introduction to Fall Protection 2nd Ed., by J. Nigel Ellis, (228 pages) ISBN: 12-01-99-4970
A guide for planning personal security before the fall hazard exposure occurs. Discusses what fall hazards are, how they produce serious injury, and how they can be realistically addressed. Provides background and builds a foundation for solid fall protection programs. This book is for anyone who works up high or those responsible for their safety. Boarders Tools for Stagecraft & Sapsis
**** An Introduction to Rigging in the Entertainment Industry, By Chris Higgs Royston. Entertainment Technology Press Ltd. Hertfordshire 2002, ISBN: 1-904031-12-9 Available from www.etnow.com
****The Klutz Book of Knots, by John Cassidy; Klutz Press – Palo Alto, CA. 1985 ISBN: 0-932592-10-4
A really good book on how to tie knots, it is impossible to mess the knot up. Boarders & Sapsis Rigging
***Knots, R.D. Laing; Penguin 1970. “At times it’s a little more difficult to follow.”
****Knots, by Peter Owen, Chartwell Books 1996, ISBN: 0-7858-0575-3. “Good color illustrations and list of applications for each knot.
****Knots, by Brian Toss; Hearst Marine Books 1990, ISBN: 0-688-09415-5. “Very good B&W illustrations and explanations. Bits of historical info as well, compact” Part of Chapman’s Nautical Guide Series
+++The Morrow Guide to Knots and Splices, by Mario Bigon and Guido Regazzoni
“A Must Own book for those interested in typing or teaching knots. Illustrated with over 600 color photographs. Excellent directions for tying nearly all useful knots, hitches, tackle, and decorative knots. Extremely thorough, shows six different ways to tie a bowline knot.” Rescue Systems, Inc.
***Mountaineering, 6th Edition Ed. by Don Graydon; The Mountaineers – Seattle, WA. 1997
ISBN: 0-89886-426-7 A basics book on climbing, camping, hiking, and survival in all types of terrains but not enough in climbing. Boarders & Eastern Mountain Sports
*****On Rope, by Bruce Smith; National Speleological Society Inc. – Huntsville, AL. 1996 ISBN: 1-879961-05-9
This book is a really good how to book as well as what to use for any type of rope work from window washing to caving to tight walking. Even if you do not plan to repell, it is a good rigger’s book. Boarders or Sapsis Rigging
*****Rappelleing, by Tom Martin (304 pages) ISBN: 12-01-99-3202 “Rappelling from A to Z. This is a step-by-step guide on everything from basic rapelling to special procedures and applications. Recommendations for going up, going down and going over are presented, along with very important safety practices. Over 400 photos and illustrations show proper uses of rope and equipment. Glossary is included.” Boarders, REI & Sapsis
****Rigging, TM 5-725 Headquarters, Department of the Army, – Washington, D.C. 1968 Lots of knots and rules, but out of date and very basic. A newer copy would be better. Resale Shop, Army Surplus, or U.S. Government
+++++Rigging for Entertainment: Regulations and Practice, Chris Higgs. While not finite, provides an excellent basic knowledge base for rigging – Pete Schofield
+++Rope Log, “This book contains rope specifications, design information, rope care instructions, inspection and retirement criteria, and rope use pages with inspection check list.” Rescue Systems, Inc.
****Self Rescue, by David J Fasulo; Chockstone Press, Inc. – Evergreen, CO. 1996
ISBN: 0-934641-97-8 Probably the best of the repelling type books due to its simplicity, but not extremely useful for jumping down from the grid. Boarders, Eastern Mountain Sports, Sapsis Rigging
****”Splicing Wire and Fiber Rope”, Raoul Graumont and John Hensel,, Cornell Maritime Press, Centreville, Maryland, 1945 ISBN 0-87033-118-3 The best description and diagrams I’ve seen for a long splice in wire rope were actually from an old splicing manual for loggers. The special equipment needed is a pair of marlinespikes, which are slender steel pins that taper to a duck-bill point, and a ball-peen hammer. Scratch awls make good marlinespikes for small stuff.
++++The Splicing Book, by Wellington Puritan (36 pages) ISBN: 12-01-99-3207
“This manufacturer of quality rope products has created this hands-on, step-by-step training manual. The easy instructions tell how to splice three-strand laid, single and double braid ropes. Flip chart format allows the book to stand on its own while you work.” Boarders & Secoa
+++Swiftwater Rescue, by Slim Ray
“This is a modern book intended for rescue personnel. It is very useful and comprehensive. It has chapters on reading the river, equipment, shore based, boat based, and in-water rescues. Also three chapters on rope rigging and one on helicopter use. A highly recommended book.” Rescue Systems, Inc.
++++Wire Rope Sling Users Manual, by The American Iron and Steel Industry (128 pages)ISBN: 12-01-99-3003
“These guys had so much fun producing The Wire Rope UsersManual, they came back for an encore. Unfortunately, you won’t have fun reading this book but the information within is VERY important if you use wire rope slings in your daily work. This manual is an essential reference tool for students, teachers and professionals.” Sapsis
*****Wire Rope Users Manual, 3rd Ed. Wire Rope Technical Board – Woodstock MD. 1993
(410)461-7030 This is the rule book for any use of wire rope. All specifications are based off it, and it is a good technical read as it will answer questions such as why cable will break not at the place it is pulled but a few feet from it. Sapsis Rigging or Boarders
9) Metal Working:
+++ASD Manual of Steel Construction, 9th ed.; Construction Savvy – Dist. #AF3896
“The essential reference for working with structural steel. Divided into seven sections: Dimensions and properties, Beam and girder design, Column Design, Connections, Specifications and codes, Miscellaneous data and mathematical tables, Symbols and Index. (1,100pp)
+++AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel, 2000, Construction Savvy – Dist. #AF7902-00
“Covers the welding requirements for any type of welded structure made from the commonly used carbon and low alloy construction steels.”
+++Aluminum Design Manual, 2000ed., by the Aluminum Association; Construction Savvy – Dist. #AF3507 The aluminum design manual is the definitive source for design of aluminum structures.”
+++Architectural Sheet Metal Manual, 5th ed. SMACNA 1993; Construction Savvy – Dist. #AF7820 “Ensure proper design and installation of custom fabricated architectural sheet metal. Includes new master isometric roof plans keyed to figures for user-friendly study, updated rainfall data and expanded standing seam pan schedules. Formulas for scalper sizing are provided, based on American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) data.”
***Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology, by Ted Busch; Delmar Publishers Inc. – Albany N.Y.
1966 ISBN: 0-8273-0193-6 This is a book on measuring, laying out and quality control for use in the metal working industry. It is very specific in telling how to use things like micrometers and hardness testers, but unless you need such accuracy, this book is not needed. Resale Shop
+++LRFD Manual of Steel Construction, 2nd ed. by LFRD; Construction Savvy – Dist. #aF2119 “The essential reference for engineers, architects, detailers, drafters, contractors, building officials, and fabricators. The manual is divided into two volumes: Volume I – Structural members, specifications and Codes. Volume II – Connections. Each volume contains a comprehensive index and is thumb-cut for easy reference. (1,999pp)”
*****Welding for the Theater, this book is written for the needs of metalworking in the theater. It is a source for everything from load rating and stock tubing sizes, to how to weld with any type of gun on any material. Unlike most welding books it does not assume more knowledge and experience from its reader than necessary. Elmhurst Public Library, Boarders & Act I
****The Welder’s Bible, 2nd Ed. by Don Geary; TAB Books – N.Y. 1993 ISBN: 0-8306-3825-3
This book is the authority on all types of gas welding. It is well laid out and clear. Boarders & Mail Order
****Welder’s Handbook, Richard Finch; H.P. Books – N.Y. 1997 ISBN: 1-55788-264-9
This book is one of many good books on how to weld. It is not quite the famed Welder’s Bible, but it still gives the general information needed to weld well enough. The only real difference is that this book lacks much of the technical data of the former. Boarders
Note: this list is not complete….
IESNA Publications
Alternating Current Fundamentals, by John R. Duff and Stephen L. Herman (672pp); ISBN: 0-8273-6527-6 “Features examples of basic AC circuits, stepping motors information, fundamentals progressing to more difficult concepts and appendix of essential formulas.” IESNA #PB-113-95
Applying the 1993 National Electrical Code, by Gregory P. Bierals (300pp); ISBN: 0-88173-167
“Takes the reader through the code section by section, illustrating where changes have been made, what they mean, and how they will impact the design and application of electrical systems. Intended for practical, on-the-job use, this book will take the guesswork out of proper application of the revised code, enable you to address potential problems before they happen, and save you countless hours in the process.” IESNA #PB-67-93
Basic Electricity, (376pp); ISBN: 0-8273-4917-3 “Presents basic concepts of electricity from a practical point of view. Helps build the knowledge base for people involved in construction, wiring, electrical maintenance, or electrical distribution.” IESNA #PB105-92
Basic Lighting Worktext for Film and Video, by Richard K. Fernchase (109pp);
ISBN: 0-240-80085-0 “A practical text describing the proper use of current equipment and set-ups of lighting techniques. Provides practical hands-on projects for experimentation with fast and slow film, test filters for color temperature shifts, and other important concepts.” IESNA #PB-96-92
Emergency Lighting, by Stanley Lyons (177pp); ISBN: 0-7506-0806-4
“Comprehensive review of emergency lighting practice for lighting engineers, building service engineers, architects and designers. Covers shops, offices,factories and other business premises, residential premises, hospitals and public spaces. In addition to describing accepted general practice, this book offers original suggestions for the improvement of emergency lighting provision.” IESNA #PB-137-92
Film and Video Lighting Terms and Concepts by Richard K. Ferncase (176pp);
ISBN: 0-240-80157-1 Defines and illustrates more than 1,000 of the most commonly used terms and phrases used by cinematographers, lighting directors, camera operators, galters, electricians, and grips.” IESNA #PB-100-95
Illustrated Changes in the NEC, by Ronald O’Riley (356pp); ISBN: 0-8273-5304-9 “Features illustrations for each new Code change, plus reasons for the change, filed applications, and comments. Organization follows the same numerical sequence of the 1993 NEC for quick and easy reference.” IESNA #PB-102-96
Industrial Electricity, by Nadon, Gelmine and McLacghlin (608pp); “Basic introduction to electrical theory. Covers installing and servicing electrical wiring and equipment, basic circuits, power, energy, motors, lighting, healing and more. References to the NEC.” IESNA #PB-115-94
Interpreting the NEC, by Truman Surbrook (435pp); ISBN: 0-8273-7673-1
Perfect for anyone who wants to understand the Code better. This in-depth book helps you find information on wiring, installations, and much more. Organizes NEC articles by topic for easy reference. Relates Code requirements to practical applications in every unit. Emphasizes troubleshooting, mastering practical Code problems, solving calculations and learning how to do wire installations. Includes special sections on commercial wiring, industrial applications and health care facilities.” IESNA #PB-110-96
The Lighting Management Handbook, by Craig DiLouie (300pp); ISBN: 0-88173-169-2
“The complete spectrum of lighting management strategies for efficiency improvement is fully detailed in this straightforward, non-technical reference. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of effective maintenance, and the benefits of a well planned and executed lighting management program.” IESNA #PB-68-93
Motion Picture and Video Lighting, by Blain Brown (224pp); ISBN: 0-240-80249-7
“Explores technical, aesthetic and practical aspects of lighting for film and video. Emphasizes a hands-on approach to information on safety tips for working around electricity, techniques for lighting difficult situations, the theory of light, equipment, gripology, and more.” IESNA #PB-95-95
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians, by Garrard and Herman (187pp);
ISBN: 0-8273-2553-3 “Practical problems frequently encountered. Explanation of math procedures; coverage of fractions and answer space for problems.” IESNA #PB-114-95
Professional Lighting Handbook, 2nd Ed. by Verne Carlson and Sylvia E.Carlson (248pp);ISBN: 0-240-80020-6
“Guides reader through the technical foundations, equipment and techniques of lighting for film and video productions. Full of useful insights and tips on lighting equipment and techniques. IESNA #PB-97-91
Set Lighting Technician’s Handbook, by Harry C. Box (448pp); ISBN: 0-240-80257-8
“Comprehensive, detailed and practical, the book is a friendly hands-on manual covering the day-to-day practices, equipment, and tricks of the trade essential to the motion picture lighting technician.” IESNA #PB-92-93
Standard Textbook of Electricity, by Stephen L. Herman (1,024pp); ISBN: 0-8273-5304-9 “Illustrated coverage of electrical circuits and machines. Covers Kirchhoff’s Law, Thevenin’s Theoreum, Norton’s Theoreum, general voltage and current dividers, the superposition theorem, plus additional review questions.” IESNA #PB-101-94
The Technique of Lighting for Television and Film, 3rd Ed. by Gerald Millerson (448pp); ISBN: 0-240-51299-5, #0-240-54582-X “Concerned with the fundamental principals of lighting in studios, on location and display. The updated version covers single-camera, small unit production, improvised and economy lighting and working with limited facilities. Emphasis is also placed on safety aspects of working with lighting equipment.” IESNA #PB-98-91
Understanding NEC Calculations, by Michael Holt (496pp); ISBN: 0-8273-7938-6 “Provides insight and understanding of complicated and technical electrical calculations that most electricians and electrical designers encounter. IESNA #PB-103-96
2)Lighting Design:
Applied Illumination Engineering, by Jack L. Lindsey (480pp); ISBN: 0-88173-060-2 “Professional Methods and reference data for designing both indoor and outdoor lighting systems. Scores of charts, tables, photographs, and diagrams give precise information on planning systems from start to finish to satisfy industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential requirements.” IESNA #PB-35-96
Architectural Lighting Design, by Gary R. Steffy (202pp); ISBN: 0-442-20761-1 “Shows how to develop appealing, efficient lighting solutions that produce comfortable, productive environments.” IESNA #PB-72-90
Architectural Lighting for Commercial Interiors, by Prafulla C. Sorcar (249pp); ISBN: 0-471-50970-1 “Comprehensively Covers Foundations, Engineering and Architectural Tools, and Applications.” IESNA #PB-26-87
Audubon House, (200pp); ISBN: 0-471-02496-1 “Story of how the Audubon/Croxton team converted a 19th Century architectural masterpiece into one of the most environmentally advanced buildings ever designed. Providing a model that can be followed by professionals, this book demonstrates how environmental criteria can be achieved without sacrificing traditional considerations of cost, functionality and aesthetics.”
IESNA #PB-86-95
Color and Light in Man-Made Environments, by Rudolf and Frank Mahnke (160pp); ISBN: 0-471285-277 “Shows how to use light and color to protect mental and physical and well being, while promoting business functions. Includes timely information on a wide range of activities, including computer work stations, health care, and food service facilities.” IESNA #PB-73-93
Commercial Lighting, (188pp); ISBN: 1-56496-440-X “Lush Presentation of creative lighting designs for commercial spaces. Each section illustrates effective designs for restaurants, offices, retail stores, and more. This useful and inspiring reference for interior designers, architects, business owners and design students.” IESNA #PB 109-98
Concepts in Architectural Lighting, by M. David Egan (270pp); ISBN: 0-07-019054-2
“Unique reference covering basic principles of lighting for the built environment including vision, perception, and perceptual phenomena.” IESNA #PB-7-83
Decoration: Brightly Lit Spaces, (160pp); ISBN: 0-8230-6539-1 “Critical to any interior decoration plan is a room’s lighting which plays both a functional and a mood-defining role. This book offers examples of how light can be used to sharpen an area or give a distinctive outline to a particular object.” IESNA #PB-139-86
Detailing Light, by Jean Borman (208pp); ISBN: 0-8230-1341-3 “Comprehensive overview of state of the art in lighting design, presenting innovative solutions to all kinds of practical problems. Each case study presents lighting solutions, technical data, manufacturing information and construction details.” IESNA #PB-130-95
The High Pressure Sodium Lamp, by J. DeGroot and J. Van Vliet (329pp); ISBN: 90-201-19028 “A detailed account of the theoretical background to the development and design of HPS lamps.” IESNA #PB-19-86
Illumination Engineering: From Edison’s Lamp to the Laser, by Joseph P Murdoch (560pp);
ISBN: 1-885750-00-5 “Provides a broad practical foundation in the science and mathematics of light and sight; teaches the skills and analytic toolsneeded for quantitative lighting calculations; describes measurement techniques and instruments in clear detail. Includes useful examples throught and a problem section complete with answers”. IESNA #PB11-94
Interior Lighting for Designers, 3rd Ed. by Gary Gordon (407pp); ISBN: 0-471-50970-1 “Everything from the creative aspects of lighting design to the use of equipment and components to establish a positive visual environment.” IESNA #PB-270-95
Intermediate Level Lighting Course, IESNA Education Course (800pp); IESNA Publications
ISBN: O-87995-090-0 15 Chapters, covering: Mathematics, Vision, Color, Light Sources, Ballasts, Optical Control, Illuminance Calculations – The Lumen Method, Calculating Illuminance at a Point, Psychological Aspects of Lighting, Design Concepts, Computers in Lighting Design and Analysis, Lighting Economics, Daylight Calculations, Electrical Quantities and Building Electrical Distribution, and Electrical Controls. IESNA #150
International Lighting Design, by Lawrence Porcelli (240pp); ISBN: 0-9356-03-49-2 “Presents a visual celebration of the brightest in lighting from around the world. Interviews with the design teams and studies of their sketches and engineering drawings offer unique insights into the creative process.” IESNA #PB-42-91
Introduction to Efficient Electrical Systems Design, 2nd Ed. by Albert Thumann (346pp); ISBN: 0-88173-110-2 “Utilizes easy-to-follow methodologies and guidelines through every phase of electrical system design.” IESNA #PB-37-91
Introduction to Light and Lighting, IESNA Education Course (51pp); IESNA Publications
ISBN: 0-87995-034-X Review from Home Lighting & Accessories Magazine: “It’s an educational book easing those who must be involved in at least a basic knowledge of lighting calming down the path. Before the reader is aware of it, he is already immersed in color rendering index and lumens per watt…, and after a brief explanation of calculations, the reader does not break into a cold sweat realizing he must be able to determine the coefficient of utilization. While the publication doesn’t answer all questions, it states so from the beginning, advising that should the reader’s interest be piqued, there’s plenty more from IES to satisfy curiosity.” IESNA #ED-50-91
Light, Light, Light, 2nd Ed. by Jane Grosslight (247pp); ISBN: 0-927412-00-4
“Covers residential/commercial and indoor/outdoor lighting for owners and renters. Choices for daylight and electric light are provided along with quick, hand and computer generated calculations.” IESNA #PB-14-90
Light: The Shape of Space, by Lou Michael (288pp); ISBN: 0-442-01804-5
“Focuses on the interaction of lighting and the design of architectural space as perceived by the human visual system. It formulates a body of space and light theory, intended to bring together the professions of architecture, interior design, lighting design and lighting engineering, demonstrating how their activities interface in the creation of the illuminated environment.” IESNA #PB-124-95
Lighting, by Janet Turner (144pp); “Covers basics-from perception of light to available instruments to project and product application examples-in clear, concise prose. For the beginner.”IESNA #PB-116-95
Lighting Economics, IESNA Educational Course (32 pp); IESNA Publications ISBN: 0-87995-033-1
Determining the best lighting alternative for a specific application requires tradeoffs in the quantity and quality of the light provided, as well as in the costs associated with lighting alternatives. (This publication is included in ED-150.) In this module, readers gain an understanding of the following: The need for thorough economic analysis, The principles of life cycle costing, The determination of associated with lighting systems, Appropriate analysis methods for determining economically attractive lighting alternatives. IESNA #ED-150.9-91
Lighting Education Fundamentals, IESNA Education Course (430pp); IESNA Publications ISBN: 0-87995-089-7 A comprehensive program covering the basic and most important principles of lighting. This course has been used by thousands of people who have a professional need to enhance their knowledge and have a personal desire for growth and education. The program includes chapters on: color, vision and perception, sources, visual calculations, visual performance, visual impact, exterior lighting, energy management, economics, daylighting. IESNA #ED-100
Lighting Efficiency Applications, by Albert Thurmann (354pp); ISBN: 0-88173-137-4 “Guides the reader through the design, specification, and application of lighting systems that can potentially reduce building operating costs by as much as 50% compared to traditional or outdated systems.” IESNA #PB-36-92
Lighting for Industry and Security, by Stanley Lyons (320pp); ISBN: 0-7606-1084-0
“The latest developments in lamps, luminaries, and lighting practice are covered-important topics include installation, safety, and hygiene. Exterior lighting, which is provided at many industrial premises as an amenity or to facilitate outdoor work and storage, is dealt with in depth. The crime-prevention theory and the technology of such lighting is explained.” IESNA #PB-69-94
Lighting Handbook, 8th Ed. Reference & Application, IESNA Handbook (989pp); IESNA Publications
ISBN: 0-87995-102-8 “Proven solutions for every situation. Everything to know about lighting-explanations of concepts, techniques, applications, procedures and systems, as well as detailed definitions, tasks, charts, and diagrams. This is the handbook to the established standard setting body for lighting. Expert contributions ensure technical accuracy. IESNA #HB-93
Lighting Handbook 8th Ed. Ready Reference, IESNA Handbook (223pp); IESNA Publications ISBN: 0-87995-135-4
This easy-to-use reference book is a concise, yet comprehensive, manual for lighting and represents a compendium of the most useful and essential information. Selected table of contents includes: Lighting terminology; Conversion factors; Light source data; Reflectance data; Transmittance data; Reflectance data; Transmittance data; Illuminance selection; Lighting calculation data; Lighting energy management; Cost analysis; Interior lighting survey procedures; Illuminance categories and values for diverse applications. This handy publication is small enough to carry in a briefcase and is a perfect supplement to the Lighting Handbook! IESNA #RR-96
Lighting Mathematics, IESNA Education Course (50pp); IESNA Publications
ISBN: 0-87995-017-4 This publication covers any mathematical function a designer must understand to establish an effective lighting application. It walks you through algebra, fractions, exponents, graphs, logarithms, interpolations, and several advanced topics. (Included in ED-150.) IESNA #ED-200-1.88
The Lighting Pattern Book for Homes, by Russell P. Leslie and Kathryn M. Conway (221pp);
ISBN: 1-883297-00-1 “Describes, illustrates, and analyzes energy-efficient lighting designs and technologies for low-to middle-income single and multi-family homes.” IESNA #PB-71-94
Lighting the Stage, by Francis Reid (115pp); ISBN: 0-240-51375-4
“Approaches stage lighting from the human angle. It is concerned with the relationships between the people involved in lighting and how they fit into the creative team.” IESNA #PB-240-51375-4
The Optical Design of Reflectors, by William B. Elmer (290pp);
“Covers all major reflector design issues, including reflector optics, optical consideration in luminarie design and production, predicting and verifying luminarie performance, and design examples.” IESNA #PB-28-91
Practical Electrical Wiring, 15th Ed. by Herbert P. Richter and W. Creighton Schwam (645pp);
ISBN: 0-07-05293-2 “How to lay out and plan an electrical system. Complete requirements and steps for all commonly used wiring methods – over current protection, grounding, and installation. Wiring for special appliances and modernizing old wiring. How to make the best use of today’s new products. IESNA #PB-38-91
Selected Papers on Architectural Lighting, Ed. by M.S. Rea (582pp); ISBN: 08194-0992-8 “This book contains the reproduction of 39 papers covering the fields of human factors, lighting technology, photometry and lighting calculation, and design and application. It contains papers from the leading authorities in lighting.”
IESNA #PB-129-95
Simplified Design of Building Lighting, by Marc Schiler (272pp); ISBN:0-471-53213-4
“The text examines the realm of lighting interior buildings. Through examples and exercises, it explores perception, basic physics, light sources and lighting fixtures, and daylighting strategies. It explains how to use lighting calculations, daylighting calculations, and common design practices.” IESNA #PB-45-93
Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, (2,228pp); ISBN: 0-07-020984-7
“Long popular, widely-used classic Handbook reflects all the many changes in the field including the dramatic new advances in computer technology for power industry management, system planning operation, plant monitoring and control, design, and construction.” IESNA #PB-50-93
3)General Stage or Books Covering Everything:
Concert and Sound Lighting Systems, 2nd Ed. by John Vasey (208pp); ISBN: 0-240-80192-X
“Divided evenly between sound and lighting systems, each section concludes with an easy-to follow discussion of the setup procedures for a typical concert. Nearly 100 drawings and photographs illustrate how to use equipment properly.” IESNA #PB-99-94
4)Scenic Design Tech Books:
Americans with Disabilities Act Facilities Compliance: A Practical Guide, by Evan Terry Assts.(180pp); ISBN: 0-471-59192-0 “Includes a complete history of the ADA, plus reviews pertinent dates and deadlines, regulations, enforcement, exemptions, and tax benefits of the five Titles associated with the law. Easy -to-understand fact sheets summarize the requirements of the law, time tables, and flow charts.” IESNA #PB-57-92
Architectural Rendering, by Phillip Crowe (224pp); ISBN: 007-0-07-01412-4
“Includes step-by-step demonstrations of real projects in progress in sections on basic principles of rendering-layout sketches, drawing, shading and coloring; development of the initial concept; perspective drawing; content and composition; and materials and techniques.” IESNA #PB49-93
Color in Interior Design, by John Pile (320pp); “How to specify color schemes for interiors. Covers the principles of color within the context of their use. Extensive color charts, diagrams and illustrations.” IESNA #PB-118-95
Dictionary of Architecture and Construction, Ed. by Cyril M. Harris (736pp);
ISBN: 0-07-026888-6 “Encompasses the language of architecture and construction, enhanced by a page design that effectively displays abundant illustrations. Contains over 2,000 entries on architectural styles and specifications, traditional and new building products and materials, and equipment; air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, and waste disposal systems, foundations and structures.” IESNA #PB-54-93
Interior Color by Design, by Jonathon Poore (160pp); ISBN: 1-56496-037-4
“Allows experimentation with different designs and colors to achieve desired effects. Provides color samples to experiment with different color combinations.” IESNA #PB-63-93
Interpreting Engineering Drawings, by Cecil H. Jensen and Raymond D. Hines (416pp);
ISBN: 0-8273-6327-3 “Practical explanations of how to interpret engineering/technical drawings using ANSI standards. Updated units on geometric tolerancing.” IESNA #PB-112-94
The Power of Color, by Sara Morberry and Laurie Zagon (111pp); ISBN: 1-07685-6
“Ideas for creating spaces that support the health and well-being of its occupants. Numerous project examples, with color charts exploring hue, value and chroma.”IESNA #PB-121-95
Time Saver Standard for Interior Designers and Space Planning, Ed. by J. DeChiara, J. Panero, and M. Zelnik (1,200pp); ISBN: 0-007-016229-9 “An instant library of interior design data, detail types, guidelines, and techniques. Brimming with layouts, plans, sections, and elevations, it provides proven ideas and applications for tackling residential or commercial projects.” IESNA #PB-46-93
5)IESNA Special Publication Articles:
IESNA Recommended Practices, (Individual titles to follow, Most ANSI approved) IESNA Publications – Soft cover pamphlets
-Office Lighting, (64pp) ISBN: 0-87995-105-2 IESNA #RP-1-93 Principles and Practices
-Lighting Merchandising Areas, (72pp) ISBN: 0-87995-021-8 IESNA#RP-2-85 w. Examples
-Sports Lighting, (107pp) ISBN: 0-87995-028-5 IESNA#RP-6-88
-Industrial Lighting, (50pp) ISBN: 0-87995-032-3 IESNA#RP-7-91
-Roadway Lighting, (53pp) ISBN: 0-87995-127-3 IESNA#RP-12-98
-Design Criteria for Lighting Interior Living Spaces, (54pp) ISBN: 0-87995-099-4 IESNA#RP-11-95 Creation of residential atmospheres in residences & other areas
-Nomenclature and Definitions for Illuminating Engineering, (71pp) ISBN: 0-87995-128-1 IESNA #RP-16-96 Standardized terminonology and nomenclature for lighting
-Lumen Method of Daylight Calculations, (31pp) ISBN: 0-87995-057-9 IESNA#RP-23-89
-Lighting for Houses of Worship, (56pp) ISBN: 0-87995-086-2 IESNA#RP-25-91
-Casino Lighting, (54pp) ISBN: 0-87995-098-6 IESNA#RP-26-95
-Museum and Art Gallery Lighting, (100pp) ISBN: 0-87995-132-X IESNA #RP-30-96
-Economic Analysis of Lighting, (13pp) ISBN: 0-87995-133-8 IESNA #RP-31-96
-NECA/IESNA Recommended Practice for Installing Indoor Commercial Lighting Systems (21pp) ISBN: NECA/IESNA-500-1997
Lighting Energy Management, (Individual titles to follow,) IESNA Publications – Soft cover pamphlets
-Design Considerations for Effective Building Lighting Energy Utilization, (19pp) ISBN: 0-87995-025-0 IESNA #LEM-3-87
-ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-1989 – Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings, (148pp) IESNA #90.1-1989
-ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-93 – Users Manual, ISBN: 09-101-1092-1 IESNA#UM90.1-93
-Energy Code for Commercial and High-Rise Residential Buildings, (100pp) IESNA #CD90.1-93
Design Guides, (Individual Titles to Follow,) IESNA Publications – Soft Cover Pamphlets
-Color and Illumination, (44pp) ISBN: 0-87995-100-1 IESNA #DG-1-90
-Warehouse Lighting, (26pp) ISBN: 0-87995-101-X IESNA #DG-2-92
-Application of Luminarie Symbols on Lighting Design Drawings, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-096-6 IESNA #DG-3-94
-The Lighting Design Process, (18 pp) ISBN: 0-87995-108-7 IESNA #DG-8-95
-Ballasts and the Generation of Light, (36pp) ISBN: 0-87995-121-4 IESNA #DG-8-95
-Choosing Light Sources for General Lighting, (30pp) ISBN: 0-87995-141-9 IESNA #DG-10-98
Light Measurements, (Individual Titles to Follow,) IESNA Publications – Soft Cover Pamphlets
-Photometric Measurements – Area and Sports Lighting, (20pp) ISBN: 0-87995-123-0 IESNA #LM-5-96
-Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps, (9pp) ISBN: 0-87995-138-9 IESNA #LM-9-88
-Reporting General Lighting Equipment Engineering Data for Indoor Luminaries, (8pp) ISBN: 0-87995-073-0 IESNA #LM-15-87
-Colorimetry of Light Sources, (10pp) ISBN: 0-87995-093-5 IESNA #LM-16-93
-Photometric Testing of Reflector Type Lamps, (5pp) ISBN: 0-87995-093-5 IESNA #LM-20-94
-Determining Average Luminance, (8pp) ISBN: 0-87995-077-3 IESNA #LM37-97
-Life Performance Testing of Fluorescent Lamps, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-077-3 IESNA #LM-40-87
-Photometric Testing of Indoor Fluorescent Luminaries, (9pp) ISBN: 0-87995-146-X IESNA #LM-41-98
-Computing Visual Comfort Ratings for Indoor Lighting, (19pp) ISBN: 0-87995-048-X IESNA #LM-42-72
-The Determination of Illuminance at a Point in Interior Spaces, (28pp) ISBN: 0-87995-082-8 IESNA #LM-43-91
-Total and Diffuse Reflectance, (5pp) ISBN: 0-87995-037-4 IESNA #LM-44-90
-Electrical and Photometric Measurements of General Service Incandescent Filament Lamps (5pp)
ISBN: 0-87995-037-4 IESNA #LM-45-91
-Photometric Testing of Indoor Luminaries Using High Intensity Discharge or Incandescent Filament Lamps, (7pp) ISBN: 0-87995-087-0 IESNA #LM-46-92
-Life Testing of HID Lamps, (14pp) ISBN: 0-87995-134-6 IESNA #LM-47-95
-Life Testing of General Lighting Incandescent Filament Lamps, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-107-9 IESNA #LM-49-94
-Electrical and Photometric Measurements of HID Lamps, (13pp) ISBN: 0-87995-147-8 IESNA #LM-51-98
-Classification of Interior Luminaries by Distribution: Luminarie Spacing Criterion, (7pp) ISBN: 0-87995-051-X IESNA #LM-53-77
-Lamp Seasoning, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-047-1 IESNA #LM-54-91
-Measurement of Ultraviolet Radiation from Light Sources, (6pp) ISBN: 0-87995-047-1IESNA #LM-54-91
-Photometric & Thermal Testing of Air-Cooled Heat Transfer Luminaries, (9pp) ISBN: 0-87995-041-2 IESNA #LM-56-91
-Calculating Coefficients of Utilization, Wall Exitance Coefficients, and Ceiling Cavity Exitance Coefficients, (11pp) ISBN: 0-87995-041-2 IESNA #LM-57-82
-Spectoradiometric Measurements, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-042-0 IESNA #LM-58-94
-Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) Lamps, (8pp) ISBN: 0-87995-148-6 IESNA #LM-59-98
-Life Testing of Low Pressure Sodium Lamps, (3pp) ISBN: 0-87995-060-9 IESNA #LM-60-91
-Identifying Operating Factors for Installed High Intensity Discharge Luminaries, (8pp) ISBN: 0-87995-124-9 IESNA #61-96
-Life Testing of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps, (4pp) ISBN: 0-87995-062-5 IESNA #LM-66-91
-Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps, (13pp) ISBN: 0-87995-062-5 IESNA #LM-66-91
-Calculation Procedures and Specifications of Criteria for Lighting Calculations (1pp) ISBN: 0-87995-110-9 IESNA #LM-67-94
-Directional Positioning of Photometric Data, (10pp) ISBN: 0-87995-145-1 IESNA #LM-72-97
Technical Memorandums, (Individual Titles to Follow,) IESNA Publications – Soft Cover Pamphlets
-Lighting Metrics, (8pp) “Luminous Flux”, ISBN: 0-87995-097-8 IESNA #TM-1-94
-Multilayer Polarized Light, (22pp) ISBN: 0-87995-144-3 IESNA #TM-4-97
Miscellaneous, (Individual Titles to Follow,) IESNA Publications – Soft Cover Pamphlets
-IESNA Annual Conference Proceedings Papers, (800pp) “Latest in Research Presentations”,
-Views on the Visual Environment, (250pp) “Design Essays from Louis Erbardt”, IESNA #LE-1-95
-The Right Light: A Study in Visual Communication, (200pp) “The Design Work of Louis Erhardt”, IESNA #LE-2-95
-Radiation Light and Illumination, (360pp) “Updated for Content Lectures of Charles Steinmetz on Design” IESNA #LE-3-95