Carpentry & Construction

Carpentry & Construction  by Mark R. Miller (Author) Books-On-Line : The project I’m working on right now in the hundred year old house I bought is refinishing some hardwood floors. So first I turned to the index to see what they said about doing that task. It was...

Virtual Theatres: An Introduction

Virtual Theatres: An Introduction  by Gabriella Giannachi (Author) The first full-length book of its kind to offer an investigation of the interface between theatre, performance and digital arts, Virtual Theatres presents the theatre of the twenty-first century in...

The Intercultural Performance Handbook

The Intercultural Performance Handbook  by John Martin (Author)In a search for more vibrant and exciting ways of presenting performance, actors are increasingly turning to non-western traditions, In this essential handbook for the actor, John Martin introduces...

Certain Fragments: Contemporary Performance and Forced Entertainment

Certain Fragments: Contemporary Performance and Forced Entertainment  by Tim Etchells (Author) Certain Fragments is an extraordinary exploration of what lies at the heart of contemporary theatre. Written by the artistic director of Forced Entertainment, acknowledged...

The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy

The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy  by C. W. Marshall (Author)A comprehensive survey of Roman theatrical production, this book examines all aspects of Roman performance practice, and provides fresh insights on the comedies of Plautus and Terence. Following...

Technical Theater for Nontechnical People

Technical Theater for Nontechnical People  by Drew Campbell (Author)Two under-appreciated theatrical specialties, technical production for the novice and audience development, take center stage in these two thorough works. With hundreds of production/design/technical...

Illustrated Theatre Production Guide

Illustrated Theatre Production Guide  by John Holloway (Author) This invaluable guide takes a step-by-step approach to many common theater production practices and covers important issues related to the construction of wooden, fabric, plastic, and metal scenery used...

Model Making for the Stage: A Practical Guide

Model Making for the Stage: A Practical Guide  by Keith Orton (Author)Model Making for the Stage focuses on the scenographic model and its crucial creative role in the theater-making process. Although it is primarily designed to meet the needs of students and...
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