Carpentry & Construction

Carpentry & Construction  by Mark R. Miller (Author) Books-On-Line : The project I’m working on right now in the hundred year old house I bought is refinishing some hardwood floors. So first I turned to the index to see what they said about doing that task. It was...

The Intercultural Performance Handbook

The Intercultural Performance Handbook  by John Martin (Author)In a search for more vibrant and exciting ways of presenting performance, actors are increasingly turning to non-western traditions, In this essential handbook for the actor, John Martin introduces...

Illustrated Theatre Production Guide

Illustrated Theatre Production Guide  by John Holloway (Author) This invaluable guide takes a step-by-step approach to many common theater production practices and covers important issues related to the construction of wooden, fabric, plastic, and metal scenery used...

Model Making for the Stage: A Practical Guide

Model Making for the Stage: A Practical Guide  by Keith Orton (Author)Model Making for the Stage focuses on the scenographic model and its crucial creative role in the theater-making process. Although it is primarily designed to meet the needs of students and...
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