Lighting “Design” Software

Light Plot detailWhile using paper and pencil was the preferred method of many designers 20 years ago, today, designers are expected to use computer-based programs to support their design work. Current lighting technology has also increased the need for a diverse body...

Dimensioning Lights

How to dimension a pipe of lights. I use this worksheet to assist my students in learning how to add dimensions between lighting units on a sample light plot. The act of adding dimensions while drafting a light plot can save an immense amount of time during lighting...

Rosco’s Gobo Rotator highlights

Scott Parker visited with Rosco’s Chad Tiller at the USITT 2011 Conference in Charlotte NC. Chad showed off Rosco’s newest wizz-bang line of gobo rotators. It’s an overview and slightly commercial in nature. Enjoy.

Light Plots via Origami

I will be presenting “Lighting Plots via Origami” at the Georgia Thespian Conference, aka ThesCon. Date/time to be announced. How easy, or hard, is it to figure out what lighting units you need to cover your stage? I have do this fun presentation about how...

Tharon Musser Passes

It is with sadness that I announce the passing of Tharon Musser. The grand-dame of lighting design. Here is an article that I found most interesting…  NY Times: August 3, 1987 BRINGING A STAGE TO LIGHT By JEREMY GERARD On the stage, a trio of white singers has just...

Lighting Design: Part One

here’s the first paragraph excerpt from an article recently published in Dramatics Magazine, January 2009. To read the entire article, please download this PDF: Dramatics_Dark_Stormy_Night. Lighting Design is an art form unto itself. At the same time, lighting...

pioneers in Lighting Design.

As humans we all are cursed by the need to view everything through our own personal knowledge and experience. If WE haven’t heard of someone, then they obviously can’t be important! It is worse even in the academic world where teachers fixate on the “hot” names from...

Scott C. Parker’s Program Bio

Scott C. Parker currently teaches Lighting Design and theater technology at Columbus State University in Columbus GA. Previously, Professor Parker was on the Graduate Faculty at the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film where he taught lighting design. He served as...

Light Plots

This set in introductory instructions in creating a light plot is the result of a request for help from one of our mailing list members. Start with a small ground plan of the theater space you are working in. Add the area, person, set you are going to light. Draw an...

Paper work

Lighting paper includes: dimmer drafting paper, scale ruler, lighting template for drafting units, pencils, drafting triangles, sketch pads, pads of lined paper, and more. But, what about the computer and some drafting program??? Lighting design has been around far...
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