We have two trees being built. The 4×4 centers are legs for platforms....
Here's a mix-n-match set of platform methods. The open framed part is...
Flats, aka Scenery, Walls, Masking
Flats, aka Scenery, Walls, Masking for Theater The Role of Flats in...
Muslin is a cloth used for numerous things in Tech Theater. It comes in...
For info about homasote: DON'T write to our site. We...
I'm only going to get into the...
Recycling is an important part of saving our natural resources. Right...
Board lumber comes in many different sizes, types and shapes. Most of the...
Shop Math
Asking a student to cut a piece of wood exactly in half will require a...
Dave’s Snubbing Knot
This is Dave Vick, IATSE #274 Master Carpenter, Flyman and Rigger. We...
Knots – Dave’s Trucker’s Hitch
Trucker’s Hitch.This is Dave Vick, IATSE #274 Master Carpenter, Flyman,...
Sunday & Prusik Knots
This is the first step to a Sunday Knot. It is used to make a lope out of...
Knots – Stopper Hitch
This is a Stopper Hitch. It is a knot that applies pressure. Pressure...
Knots – Clove Hitch
Clove Hitch is use to tie rope to a pipe or a 2×4 and a host of other...
Knots – Bowline
The Bowline is one of the most useful knots in the world. You can create...
Fly System
We're taking out some of the slack in our fly lines. The problem is that...
Flying Bat
This flying method is a very simple example. If you were to take it...
Curtains and Drapes
Curtains are hung in either of a few ways. Flat or full are the most...
Seen here: Cable cutters;Part of a shackle; A loop of cable ;A Thimble...
Ship’s Rail
This railing was raised and lowered on cue. I have to say it was very...